What I have is a Pine64 running HASS, PIHole and few other things on it. I have a Raspberry PI that I use for Kodi in my great room. Does anyone know if it possible to run snips.ai on the Raspberry and still have it communicate with HASS on the Pine64?
Theoretically, yes it should. I plan to try it out myself hen they stop insisting on using their own internal MQTT broker.
If you are not using MQTT currently, you should be able to go ahead and try it out now.
Guess I’m waiting like you. Yes I’m using MQTT right now.
Yes it is possible as it uses an internal MQTT.
I am really wanting to build this. Looks perfect and should work better than an echo. Waiting on a new mic to get here and an rpi3 to replace the old rpi2 that I have.
Well they said it is coming so hopefully soon. I am not using MQTT for anything though I do have a broker running in my docker in case I need it.
Do you guys know anything about snips.ai supporting german language? They somewhere stated they already do so but when customizing it is not choosable for me
I can’t even get snips to launch and get access to the sound card. Perhaps an rpi 3 is required. Should have one soon to test with.
Can confirm that the rpi 3 made no difference. Still cannot detect the sound card. This is with following their guide perfectly.
Well figured it out.Their guide makes it appear that snips listens to ~/.asoundrc but that is not the case. Tried a different device and at least can hear the beeps. No tts but am told that the issue is with pulse audio which should be removed and switched to the internal sound server. I successfully have snips controlling my lights rather simply using their internal mqtt broker.
Are you using a cloudmqtt? If so, how did you configure that? and… how did you specifically resolve this issue: No tts but am told that the issue is with pulse audio which should be removed and switched to the internal sound server.
I have found that I do get the two beeps, I can see my question and the appropriate slot (return statement) in the logs, but the slot is not audible. I am assuming this is related to the TTS issue you mentioned as well.
I am using the snips mqtt server. I actually have the tts working now too but the voice is rough. Had to do with the sound card issues.