Voice Assistant - from questions to ultimate guide

looking forward to this :blush:
what microphone setup do you use? And how much does it cost?

Wish i could use an echo dot completely offline with snips

Awesome. I will do it for hassbian than.

I am using this:

Actually, is quite good, but not good as the mics of Google Mini devices, IMHO.
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I use the same and have set-up snips and snapcast on a separate RPI3B+.

There is so much stuff that I’ve never played with so it has been a bit hit and miss. But I got it working via pulseaudio such that music can play through the RPI while snips is still working.
Pulse also comes with easy integration of echo cancellation, which I’ve added but haven’t tested it probably

I haven’t gotten around to adding all the mqtt, but super nice to see it all works, I have a mosquito server running on HASSIO so I would just add that. But I’d love to see some of your guys examples of intent handling both from the snips side and HASS !

This is because the next part is, that I need to setup a hifiberry amp2, hopefully I’ll get the last part this week so I can attach the driver.

My concern is whether I can get the stacking of the respeaker and hifiberry to work, I mean they both run on the i2s bus so should be possible.

Incase I get defeated, I’ll get a PS3 mic and use that one instead

Hey your how to would be really handy about now! I have been trying to get my head around all this, but without much progress.

Anyway if you get your how to done, you’d have my appreciation, and many others I suspect.

Give that a look…

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thanks I’ll do that.

Ok first question. Did you install snips via apt, docker or using sam?

  1. From what I have read sam is installed on a third computer (ie not the snips rpi and not on hassio) and then controls snips running on the pi. Am I right?

To those following, I found this


I installed/updated snips via Sam.

I installed Sam on the raspi. I have notes on that too, I will get that posted.

I will work on a full proper step by step guide.

Happy to work with you on a how to as I work through it. I’ll start making notes!

Hi guys, new here.
Trying to set up home assistant controlled by voice using snips.
I’ve spend the last week reading a lot of documentation, watching tutorials, following different forums… and now my head is a totally mess. With home assistant updating every now and them, also snips doing so its very hard to know if the documentation is updated or the different tutorials are still valid or not.
For now, I’ve got home assistant running on a pi3 through hassio and snips running on another pi3 on debian using the respeaker 2 mic pi hat. Snips is working ok, i can connect using sam watch and check that is actually listen and creating intends…
But I cant figure out how to link both together. I’ve installed mosquitto addon on home assistant (but not sure how to configure it now) dont know if i have to link the home assistant to the snips pi, snips pi to the home assistant or if i have to do a bridge¿? between both??
Also, where do I have to configure the actions for the intends? In the snips console? In the configuration.yaml on home assistant? Do I need to set up user and password for mosquitto. Im desperate, because I feel im so close but cant figure out this last part.
Mattvirus, how are you going with this? I think you are using a similar configuration and you said that everything is working?
Looking forward to heard how you did it
Thank you guys for participating in this

This answers some of your questions, and has been posted earlier in the thread.

Hi nickrout, thanks for the reference. I saw it before but not sure whats it is doing. As far I can understand (I knew about home assistant and all this world just 1 week ago) modifying the /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf on the snips raspberry we are creating a bridge between snips and home assistant right? then the “Homeassistant” by HASS app is only defining a few intends with no action on the snips part. So… after doing this… “hey Snips, turn on the tv”… I imagine that snips is creating a topic (where? can I check that topic?) and home assistant is reading this topic. But now how I link my “media_player.sony_bravia_tv”
to react to that topic??
Thanks again mate, i’m sweating blood to finish this

You have to configure home assistant’s configuration.yaml to react to the intent.

I am thinking you might not have read

oh yes, I did, more than 10 times. this is what I have now on my configuration.yaml

- service: media_player.turn_on
entity_id: media_player.sony_bravia_tv

“turn on tv” is the name I put to the intend on the console

anyway, after modifying the mosquitto.conf snips don’t respond to “hey snips” anymore and if I try sam watch it say "Could not start MQTT client on localhost:1883 caused by: Connection refused (os error111)

Sorry I don’t read configs that are not posted properly. Look for the </> button.

and I don’t understand what you mean. Anyway I see i’m not going to have much help from you. Not sure how I offended. thanks for your help

Hi. Do you have mqtt user and password? if yes… try anonymous.

Just to clarify, you aren’t running the Hassio snips addon right? You have snips installed on your pi and it’s talking to HA via MQTT.