SNMP (Edgerouter X) device tracker always 'at home'

Hi. I have issue with device trackers. Currently in use three device trackers SNMP (Edgerouter X), Unifi (UAP Wifi), DD-WRT (another wifi area). Unifi and DDWRT works great for quite a long time. Recently I added SNMP to track LAN devices. After that I spotted that some devices are raported as “at home” even if they are not, but only via SNMP tracker. After first start of SNMP tracker, states were correct for all devices. After one or two days one of my PCs status is always “at home”, rest of devices were fine. Today my phone (tracked via SNMP) status behave the same way as pc - “at home” even if I’m not there. Even if I restart the device or hass, its state is still “at home”.
Do you experience similar problems?