SNMP how often checks?

Just curious how often SNMP when used as a Sensor checks for updates?

Looks like there may have been a time when you can define the frequency from some old posts but didn’t see a frequency in the above doc.

Not sure what the default is, but since it’s a polling integration, you can set a scan interval in the config for that integration if you want to override the default.

As always, run a config check before restarting just to make sure it doesn’t reject that configuration option.

10 seconds.

Any way to change that to a longer duration?

Read Tediore’s post.

Just noticed that, for some reason it didn’t show as a new message for me. Not sure that will work as it’s not listed as a valid option on the page I referenced at the start of my thread, but will give it a try.

I always run the check to verify my config files are setup right, but don’t that test just make sure things are formatted right and not that the value is valid for that item?

The config check doesn’t just check the formatting of your yaml code, it also checks what is in your yaml code. I set a scan_interval for my SNMP sensors, and it works.

According to a code, a default scan_interval = 10.

Is it possible to define a custom value?
I defined a huge scan_interval like below - and still the value is updated at lease once a minute.


  - platform: snmp
    host: ....
    name: ...
    port: 161
    community: ...
    accept_errors: true
    default_value: 0
    value_template: '{{ value }}'
    version: 2c
    unit_of_measurement: ticks
    scan_interval: 9999999

Sorry, my fault.
The pervious “scan_interval” was 60, changed to 9999… and - forgot to restart HA.