Snoozable Vacuum Schedule with Notification Control
Blueprint Contents
name: Snoozeable Vacuum Schedule with Notifications
description: |
## Description
Automates vacuum scheduling via a [shedule helper entity]( and notifications, allowing control via notifications to pause, resume, snooze, or dock the vacuum.
Notification functionality is triggered by vacuum state directly, so that changes made outside of this automation will still be reflected in the notifications.
This blueprint also includes a snooze feature to temporarily pause the vacuum for a specified duration.
Tested on Shark RV1000A with the official SharkIQ integration.
## Features
- Start vacuuming when a schedule is triggered
- Send notifications when the vacuum is cleaning, paused, or returning to dock
- Pause, resume, snooze, or dock the vacuum from a notification
- Snooze the vacuum for a specified duration based on an input_number helper
- Automatically clear notifications when the vacuum is docked
## Requirements
- A vacuum entity
- A schedule entity
- A timer entity
- A notify service
- (Optional) An input_boolean to enable/disable the schedule
- (Optional) An input_number helper to dynamically set the snooze duration
## More Information
### Triggering the Vacuum
The vacuum will start when the schedule is triggered, unless the input_boolean to enable the schedule is set to off. This can be used to disable the schedule while preserving the notification functionality of the automation.
This blueprint will also still provide mobile app notifications when the vacuum is paused, snoozed, or returning to the dock, regardless of the source of the action.
### Snoozing the Vacuum
If the vacuum needs to be temporarily paused, this blueprint allows the vacuum to be snoozed for a specified duration using a timer entity. Starting the timer will stop the vacuum, while finishing the timer will resume the vacuum. By either resuming, pausing, or returning to the dock (via any trigger, manual or otherwise), the vacuum will cancel the snooze timer.
The vacuum can be snoozed for a specified duration either by setting the snooze_duration_default or by using an input_number helper to dynamically set the snooze duration. The snooze duration is in minutes and will be converted to seconds for the timer.
The snooze duration can either be set to a fixed value when configuring the automation or by using an input_number helper to dynamically set the snooze duration. The input helper, if provided, will take precedence over the default snooze duration set in the blueprint input.
### Notifications
In order to send notifications you must provicde a notify service to call. This typically will be notify.mobile_app_<device_name> for mobile app notifications. It is recommended to make use of [Notify Groups]( to send to multiple devices, or to insulate against breaking changes in the future by simply updating the groups as devices change over time.
Notifications are sent when the vacuum is cleaning, paused, or returning to the dock. The notification will include actions to pause, resume, snooze, or dock the vacuum depending on the current state. The notification tag can be set to avoid conflicts with other notifications, while updating existing notifications that may already exist on the given device.
The blueprint sends notifications that are both persistent and sticky, meaning they will remain on the device until manually dismissed. The notification will also include a clickAction to open the vacuum entity in the Home Assistant app. See the docs for [persistent]( and [sticky]( notifications for more information.
A unique tag per automation should be used so that a given notification can be both updated and avoid conflicts with other vacuums. By default, the tag will inlude the vacuum entity id (without the domain) in order to provide uniqueness. This can be overridden by setting the notify_tag input. See [here]( for more information on replacing notification content.
The persistent notification is cleared automatically when the vacuum returns to a docked state.
### Pausing
A note on pausing: this automation calls `vacuum.stop` instead of `vacuum.pause`. This is because some vacuums do not support pausing and will instead stop the vacuum and return it to the dock.
domain: automation
author: travipross
min_version: 2024.6.0
name: Vacuum to Control
description: The vacuum entity to control
domain: vacuum
name: Snooze Duration (Minutes)
description: The default snooze duration in minutes. Will be overridden by the snooze_duration_helper if set.
min: 5
max: 120
unit_of_measurement: min
default: 30
name: Snooze Timer Entity
description: The timer entity to use for snoozing the vacuum
domain: timer
name: Schedule
description: The schedule entity to trigger the vacuum. Trigger will activate at the beginning of the scheduled event(s).
domain: schedule
name: Notify Service Name
description: The service to use for notifications, I.e. notify.<service_name>. **Do not include the `notify.` prefix**.
name: Advanced/Optional Settings
icon: mdi:cog
description: These settings are optional and can be left blank if not needed.
collapsed: true
name: Enable Schedule Helper (Optional)
description: The input_boolean to enable/disable the scheduled cleaning. This can be used to disable the schedule while preserving the notification functionality of the automation.
domain: input_boolean
default: []
name: Snooze Duration Helper (Optional)
description: A helper input_number to set the snooze duration in minutes. This overrides the snooze_duration_default.
domain: input_number
default: []
name: Notify Tag (Optional)
description: The tag to use for notifications. See [here]( for more information. Consider using templates with unique identifiers to avoid conflicts with other notifications.
default: ""
vacuum_entity_id: !input vacuum_entity_id
vacuum_entity_id_stripped: "{{ vacuum_entity_id | regex_replace(find='^vacuum\\.', replace='') }}"
helper_schedule: !input schedule
helper_schedule_enable: !input enable_schedule
snooze_timer: !input snooze_timer
- alias: "Schedule: cleaning event started"
trigger: state
- !input schedule
to: "on"
id: schedule_start
- alias: "Snooze timer: started"
trigger: event
event_type: timer.started
entity_id: !input snooze_timer
id: snooze_started
- alias: "Snooze timer: finished"
trigger: event
event_type: timer.finished
entity_id: !input snooze_timer
id: snooze_finished
- alias: "Notification action: \"Snooze\" received"
trigger: event
event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
action: snooze-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
id: action_snooze
- alias: "Notification action: \"Dock\" received"
trigger: event
event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
action: dock-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
id: action_dock
- alias: "Notification action: \"Pause\" received"
trigger: event
event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
action: pause-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
id: action_pause
- alias: "Notification action: \"Resume\" received"
trigger: event
event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
action: resume-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
id: action_resume
- alias: "Vacuum state: became docked"
trigger: state
- !input vacuum_entity_id
to: docked
id: vacuum_docked
- alias: "Vacuum state: began cleaning"
trigger: state
- !input vacuum_entity_id
to: cleaning
id: vacuum_started
- alias: "Vacuum state: became idle"
trigger: state
- !input vacuum_entity_id
to: idle
id: vacuum_idle
- alias: "Vacuum state: became returning to dock"
trigger: state
- !input vacuum_entity_id
to: returning
id: vacuum_returning
conditions: []
- variables:
vacuum_entity_id: !input vacuum_entity_id
vacuum_entity_id_stripped: "{{ vacuum_entity_id | regex_replace(find='^vacuum\\.', replace='') }}"
vacuum_friendly_name: "{{ state_attr(vacuum_entity_id, 'friendly_name') }}"
helper_schedule: !input schedule
helper_schedule_enable: !input enable_schedule
snooze_duration_helper: !input snooze_duration_helper
snooze_duration_default: !input snooze_duration_default
snooze_duration: "{% if snooze_duration_helper %}{{ states(snooze_duration_helper) | int * 60}}{% else %}{{ snooze_duration_default * 60 }}{% endif %}"
snooze_timer: !input snooze_timer
notify_service: !input notify_service
notify_tag_input: !input notify_tag
notify_tag: "{% if notify_tag_input %}{{ notify_tag_input }}{% else %}vacuum-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}{% endif %}"
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- schedule_start
- snooze_finished
- action_resume
- condition: not
- condition: and
- condition: trigger
- schedule_start
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ states(helper_schedule_enable) == 'off' }}"
- action: vacuum.start
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ vacuum_entity_id }}"
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- snooze_started
- action: vacuum.stop
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ vacuum_entity_id }}"
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- vacuum_started
- action: timer.cancel
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ snooze_timer }}"
- action: notify.{{ notify_service}}
metadata: {}
title: "{{ vacuum_friendly_name }} Cleaning"
message: Vacuum has started cleaning
ttl: 0
priority: high
- action: pause-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Pause
- action: snooze-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Snooze
- action: dock-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Dock
tag: "{{ notify_tag }}"
sticky: true
persistent: true
notification_icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
clickAction: entityId:{{ vacuum_entity_id }}
alias: Send "Running" notification
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- vacuum_idle
- action: notify.{{ notify_service}}
metadata: {}
title: >-
{{ vacuum_friendly_name }} {% if states(snooze_timer) ==
'active' %}Snoozed{% else %}Paused{% endif %}
message: >
{% if states(snooze_timer) == "active" %}
Vacuum snoozed until {{ state_attr(snooze_timer,
'finishes_at') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p',
local=true) }}
{% else %}
Vacuum paused
{% endif %}
ttl: 0
priority: high
- action: resume-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Resume
- action: >-
{% if states(snooze_timer) == 'active' %}pause{%
else %}snooze{% endif %}-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: >-
{% if states(snooze_timer) == 'active' %}Pause{%
else %}Snooze{% endif %}
- action: dock-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Dock
tag: "{{ notify_tag }}"
sticky: true
persistent: true
notification_icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
clickAction: entityId:{{ vacuum_entity_id }}
alias: Send "Paused" notification
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- vacuum_returning
- action: timer.cancel
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ snooze_timer }}"
- action: notify.{{ notify_service}}
metadata: {}
title: "{{ vacuum_friendly_name }} Returning to Dock"
message: Vacuum returning to docking station
ttl: 0
priority: high
- action: pause-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Pause
- action: resume-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Resume
- action: snooze-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Snooze
tag: "{{ notify_tag }}"
sticky: true
persistent: true
notification_icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
clickAction: entityId:{{ vacuum_entity_id }}
alias: Send "Returning" notification
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- vacuum_docked
- action: timer.cancel
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ snooze_timer }}"
- action: notify.{{ notify_service}}
metadata: {}
message: clear_notification
ttl: 0
priority: high
tag: "{{ notify_tag }}"
alias: Clear notification
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- action_dock
- action: vacuum.return_to_base
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ vacuum_entity_id }}"
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- action_pause
- action: timer.cancel
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ snooze_timer }}"
- action: vacuum.stop
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: "{{ vacuum_entity_id }}"
- action: notify.{{ notify_service}}
metadata: {}
title: >-
{{ vacuum_friendly_name }} {% if states(snooze_timer) ==
'active' %}Snoozed{% else %}Paused{% endif %}
message: >
{% if states(snooze_timer) == "active" %}
Vacuum snoozed until {{ state_attr(snooze_timer,
'finishes_at') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p',
local=true) }}
{% else %}
Vacuum paused
{% endif %}
ttl: 0
priority: high
- action: resume-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Resume
- action: >-
{% if states(snooze_timer) == 'active' %}pause{%
else %}snooze{% endif %}-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: >-
{% if states(snooze_timer) == 'active' %}Pause{%
else %}Snooze{% endif %}
- action: dock-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Dock
tag: "{{ notify_tag }}"
sticky: true
persistent: true
notification_icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
clickAction: entityId:{{ vacuum_entity_id }}
alias: Send "Paused" notification
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- action_snooze
- action: timer.start
metadata: {}
duration: "{{ snooze_duration }}"
entity_id: "{{ snooze_timer }}"
- action: notify.{{ notify_service}}
metadata: {}
title: >-
{{ vacuum_friendly_name }} {% if states(snooze_timer) ==
'active' %}Snoozed{% else %}Paused{% endif %}
message: >
{% if states(snooze_timer) == "active" %}
Vacuum snoozed until {{ state_attr(snooze_timer,
'finishes_at') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p',
local=true) }}
{% else %}
Vacuum paused
{% endif %}
ttl: 0
priority: high
- action: resume-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Resume
- action: >-
{% if states(snooze_timer) == 'active' %}pause{%
else %}snooze{% endif %}-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: >-
{% if states(snooze_timer) == 'active' %}Pause{%
else %}Snooze{% endif %}
- action: dock-{{ vacuum_entity_id_stripped }}
title: Dock
tag: "{{ notify_tag }}"
sticky: true
persistent: true
notification_icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
clickAction: entityId:{{ vacuum_entity_id }}
alias: Send "Paused" notification
mode: queued
max: 5
Automates vacuum scheduling via a shedule helper entity and notifications, allowing control via notifications to pause, resume, snooze, or dock the vacuum.
Notification functionality is triggered by vacuum state directly, so that changes made outside of this automation will still be reflected in the notifications.
This blueprint also includes a snooze feature to temporarily pause the vacuum for a specified duration.
Tested on Shark RV1000A with the official SharkIQ integration.
- Start vacuuming when a schedule is triggered
- Send notifications when the vacuum is cleaning, paused, or returning to dock
- Pause, resume, snooze, or dock the vacuum from a notification
- Snooze the vacuum for a specified duration based on an input_number helper
- Automatically clear notifications when the vacuum is docked
- A vacuum entity
- A schedule entity
- A timer entity
- A notify service
- (Optional) An input_boolean to enable/disable the schedule
- (Optional) An input_number helper to dynamically set the snooze duration
More Information
Triggering the Vacuum
The vacuum will start when the schedule is triggered, unless the input_boolean to enable the schedule is set to off. This can be used to disable the schedule while preserving the notification functionality of the automation.
This blueprint will also still provide mobile app notifications when the vacuum is paused, snoozed, or returning to the dock, regardless of the source of the action.
Snoozing the Vacuum
If the vacuum needs to be temporarily paused, this blueprint allows the vacuum to be snoozed for a specified duration using a timer entity. Starting the timer will stop the vacuum, while finishing the timer will resume the vacuum. By either resuming, pausing, or returning to the dock (via any trigger, manual or otherwise), the vacuum will cancel the snooze timer.
The vacuum can be snoozed for a specified duration either by setting the snooze_duration_default or by using an input_number helper to dynamically set the snooze duration. The snooze duration is in minutes and will be converted to seconds for the timer.
The snooze duration can either be set to a fixed value when configuring the automation or by using an input_number helper to dynamically set the snooze duration. The input helper, if provided, will take precedence over the default snooze duration set in the blueprint input.
In order to send notifications you must provicde a notify service to call. This typically will be notify.mobile_app_<device_name> for mobile app notifications. It is recommended to make use of Notify Groups to send to multiple devices, or to insulate against breaking changes in the future by simply updating the groups as devices change over time.
Notifications are sent when the vacuum is cleaning, paused, or returning to the dock. The notification will include actions to pause, resume, snooze, or dock the vacuum depending on the current state. The notification tag can be set to avoid conflicts with other notifications, while updating existing notifications that may already exist on the given device.
The blueprint sends notifications that are both persistent and sticky, meaning they will remain on the device until manually dismissed. The notification will also include a clickAction to open the vacuum entity in the Home Assistant app. See the docs for persistent and sticky notifications for more information.
A unique tag per automation should be used so that a given notification can be both updated and avoid conflicts with other vacuums. By default, the tag will inlude the vacuum entity id (without the domain) in order to provide uniqueness. This can be overridden by setting the notify_tag input. See here for more information on replacing notification content.
The persistent notification is cleared automatically when the vacuum returns to a docked state.
A note on pausing: this automation calls vacuum.stop
instead of vacuum.pause
. This is because some vacuums do not support pausing and will instead stop the vacuum and return it to the dock.