SNOS (Sensor Node On Steroids)


so after running Bruh Multisensors for 2years possibly it was time to upgrade!


I wanted a smaller and more smart sensor so i get to the drawing board.
Decided to start of with a esp8266 amica

my wish list:

  • Motion sensor
  • Accurate temperature and humidity sensor
  • Light sensor (bh1750 or/both LDR )
  • Air quality sensor (aiq, tvoc, eCO2 )
  • Better led notification (brightness and colour saturation)
  • Sound notification
  • External temperature sensor (for monitoring entertainment closet, water temp, fridge,…)

now you probably going to say this cant be possibly smaller than the awesome Bruh Multisensor
but your wrong is roughly half the size!


i created a daughterboard that will fit this all

comparison with a Bruh Multisensor:

i have hopefully the final revision in house within 3 weeks (waiting on jlcpcb order)


Micro SNOS is also in the works prototype will be tested in a few weeks :fireworks:

is there any requests for next revision or even a esp32 version ? like nfc, more leds, display, …
This will be published with instructions once the design is finalized

Don’t hesitate to share your feedback or your ideas of improvement!
Have fun :+1:


Nice work!!!

I think the instructables are highly appreciated. Thanks for sharing!


This is awesome :smiley:

Upgraded room presence detection, not much a fan of bluetooth (which is tracking the phone, not the person), but something like the amg8833 - been playing around with it myself and it works really well so far

PoE would also be neat

this sensor looks awesome! Stoked to see an instructable. Are you planning to sell this?

what do you prefer?

  • Diy (self sourcing and soldering)
  • Pre soldered (without firmware)

0 voters

That’s really cool. I’d be interested if you’ve done a write up for this.

I don’t wanna steal the thread, but I did not do much…
I’ve seen some work on scaling up the 8x8 frame to an 64x64 frame and running blob detection on it, which is okay if you want to know how many people are in there, but it was rather flaky for >2 and I only cared IF the room was occupied. Also I did not really understand the “gain on information” just by scaling up the pixels?

Anyhow, I am calibrating the sensor at the start (and whenever there is no presence for 2h to avoid temperature drifts) to get temperatures for each pixel with no person in it and substract the calibration from the readings, thus I only get the difference in pixel readings. Then I look for the maximum value being higher than threshold and send a MQTT message with “on”. If the maximum value is lower for x times than a threshold, I send a MQTT message with “off”.

I am surprised how well this worked, however, if you are long in a room, it takes a while (3-5min) for the temperature to get below the point (e-function). Kind of like how you can see the foot steps for a while on the floor when you walk barefoot and film it with a thermal camera, but if you are just passing by, it was neat to see a short “on” followed by a “off” again

If you want to know anything else you can shoot me a PM :slight_smile:


Have you considered using a Wemos D1 mini instead of a NodeMCU? It’s the same chip - esp8266 - but a smaller footprint. I use them on some “Bruh-alike” sensors I built. The whole thing fits into a 70 X 45 X 30mm project box - 2.75" x 1.75" x 1.2" for us metric-challenged souls. :slight_smile:

And there’s an only slightly larger knock-off D1 mini ESP32 if you want or need extra horsepower.


Thanks for the idea! I knocked it out immediately.
It’s in prototype fase and is on production on jlcpcb
image image

Can you share gerber file of that?

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This looks great - but is there any reason all your parts list links on Github point to


This is cool! I’ll definitely check this out when I get off mobile. Were there any other projects like this? The bruh sensor was a good idea but never really worked as is in actual production. It required a lot of extra tweaking.

I have been using a Trigboard for some of my sensor stuff. Does not have a lot of I/O broken out but does have LIPO charging, deep sleep and wake on trigger built in. And it is tiny. My temp/ PIR sensor runs for about 3-4 months on one charge of a 500mAh cell, waking about every 1/2 hr to report in. I also use them for door sensors and light level. All reporting back to MQTT.

I am ready to upgrade. ready to order parts and wait for PCB.
Plan to do 6. Would like to get print info for enclosure.

Everything will be finalized when the pcb`s come in to get some last minute changes and verify that everything is good!
Il keep this topic and github updated!

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hey @tarbax, any updates for us?

I am still waiting on the latest revision pcb’s and parts to verify. It’s a bad time for China shipments. I keep you all updated!

Can we get file for enclosure ? I am building 6 and would like to be prepared.

I am still waiting on the latest revision pcb’s and parts to make last adjustments to the enclosure and verify. It’s a bad time for China shipments. I do this as fast as possible!
I keep you all updated!