So happy with my new smart home panel! Here I share some photos

Hi @levickij, it’s a 3d printed wall mount that I bought from here. To mount it, you just need a pair of screws and dowels. Regarding the power supply, the tablet needs 5 Volts and the wall mount already comes with a small micro usb plug that allows to hide the connector so, if you want all wires hidden, you will need to get 5V behind the tablet wall mount. In my case, I had an old thermostat in there with a 5V pair of wires, though I could not use it directly because although it had the correct voltage, it didn’t have enough power (not enough current to charge the tablet), so I had to install the original amazon power supply right where the old thermostat power supply was. If you have close to where you want to install the panel, an outlet with other voltage, you could use the proper electric transformer to be able to supply in there 5V.
Here, there’s a link from the same site giving some advises regarding which charging option is most appropriate for each situation.

I’m sold! Just found my next Home Assistant project. Thanks again for the information. Did you use the standard power supply option. I’m thinking the POE option.

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Thanks @RetroTim!, and please don’t forget to share that interface whenever you have it ready!

Hi how can I have a screensaver like yours?

Hi @niccolobusato, this is just google chromecast standard screensaver images. The thing is, these chromecast images are just like a standard URL, you can look for this URL and just insert it in Fully Kiosc ‘screensaver plus’ settings, just like this:

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Hey mate, LOVELY interface!
What about the “NEST LIKE” thermostat in the first photo?

Hi @Ivan_Petrov, that thermostat is just a very nice custom thermostat card, this one:

And the code for my card:

- type: custom:thermostat-card
      title: Salon
      entity: climate.living_room
      chevron_size: 100
          'Off': 'off'
          'Cooling': 'cool'
          'Heating': 'heat'
        attribute: operation_mode

Hope this helps!

Alternatively you can use a screensaver app called Fotoo to display photos from your Google Photos account. Gives it functionality similar to Home/Nest Hub

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How is this attached to the wall and what do you do about charging?

Hi @Phill_Healey, didn’t see your post till now. It is attached with screws. And you can buy this 3d print case either with power supply or without it. You can find all the details in this post above, where I already explained it:

I’ve just seen that the link to the 3d print wall mount has changed. You’ve got it now here:

Hi, @levickij . Sorry, I didn’t see your question but, indeed, POE option can be a great choice if you can manage to have an accessible Ethernet cable in there.
Tell me how it went, thanks.

Is it possible to use JPGs in the slideshow that are in specific Dropbox folder?

Or would it be possible to show “Fotoo” inside a dedicated HA Dashboard?

Hi, I’ve never used Fotoo, but it should work as @Leonidas said.

i know the app. i have bought it to display pictures from a NAS on a 27" digital frame for a friend. how did u manage to set it as screen saver ? I want to do that for my home panel but i use WallPanel. Do you use something else ?

Never mind :smiley: i found where i can set Fotoo as a screen saver. All is now good.
For those who are having issue with screen saver, please note that if you have any video (live camera or any other stream) it will prevent the screensaver to launch. I spent 2 hours on this issue and then i realize that it might because of the camera from my entrance was added as a card on my HA main screen.
