I’m trying to make a notification with whether this week you should take the trash out or not. I’m wondering how I should make an automation to trigger at 5PM at Thursday.
Sorry for the noobish question. The forum search function doesn’t work very well.
Great, now just needs a UI editor.
What version of Home Assistant are you running ?
platform: time
- "17:00:00"
- condition: time
- thu
*Done on phone so indentations may be wonky
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I can’t tell if you’re just saying it should be included in the ui, or that you can’t do it because you use the ui. If you mean the latter, just add a condition in the ui, then click the three dots in the upper right of the condition and select edit as yaml.
You can learn about the available conditions from the documentation (same goes for actions, triggers, etc.)
I was able to do it with the edit as YAML. I raised an issue over in the frontend, and it looks like a UI editor for the weekday condition comes out in 0.116.