So I have an older HA docker install 2024.3.3 want to upgrade unsure if it safe to jump to the stable version

Hello there.

I have a Portainer stack which I’m wanting to update but kinda nervous to.
I know I’ve been negligent on updating this for about 8-9 months.

If I hit the "Update the stack " button will it just redo everyting and reboot it or will have to do other things as well…

version: ‘3’
container_name: homeassistant
image: "" <--update to :stable
- /etc/haconfig:/config
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /run/dbus:/run/dbus:ro
restart: unless-stopped
privileged: true
network_mode: host

Similar question referring to Proxmox setup:

Recommended to create a backup,
docker in my mind should be that easy to update but I am not running docker.

check the logs after update to see what went wrong
docker logs homeassistant

Before you do anything, backup

Stop stack
Change version
Start stack

As long as none of the breaking changes from 2024.3 to 2024.12 effect you it will start

Zwave must be latest version
HACS must be latest

Alternatively, you can slow roll the update

2024.3 >> 2024.4….2024.12

If there are breaking changes it will be more clear which version caused it

Generally with things i deem dangerous in docker I just rsync the files to another folder and start the container using the newly created folder. Just make sure the user/groups of the new folder match and so you don’t get errors related to that.

macvlan in docker is better than host networking
My opinion

is there a complete list of releases?
and I just need to backup the CONF file stuff correct?

Yes. Make sure you get hidden folders. That’s why I recommend rsync

rsync -aP /config/* /config2/

I think that’s correct

thanks for this