So many errors at startup - Should I be this frustrated by them?

Is anyone else getting lots of error messages at startup about what sound like trivial (yeah, yeah, I know…) things?

Here is the list I got just now - I’d be really grateful for any of the following:

  1. An explanation as to what they mean,
  2. An explanation as to why I get them,
  3. Any advice to reduce the number I get,
  4. Reassurance from you that I am not alone! :wink:

These ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded errors I get almost every time I select a view! ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded
21:39 components/system_log/ (ERROR) ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded
21:37 components/system_log/ (ERROR) ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded
21:37 components/system_log/ (ERROR)

This one I get all the time but at least I can begin to recognise that it might take a long time to set up Sonos
Updating sonos media_player took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10
21:31 helpers/ (WARNING)

I have no idea what this is or if it is important. It sounds it but I don’t use the Cloud so maybe I can ignore it?
Error fetching Cognito keyset:
21:31 components/cloud/ (ERROR)

sensor.zone4 is an unremarkable sensor and as the name suggests it is not the only one of it’s type.
Update of sensor.zone4_time is taking over 10 seconds
21:31 (WARNING)

I’ve been getting these for as long as I can remember. Why? What does it mean? Again, sounds serious but I guess it isn’t.
Timer got out of sync. Resetting
21:31 (ERROR)

These next four are consistent EVERY time I start HA but I’ve only been getting them relatively recently.
Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
21:31 util/ (ERROR)

Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
21:31 util/ (ERROR)

Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
21:31 util/ (ERROR)

Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
21:31 util/ (ERROR)

Another one that sounds serious. No idea what it means.
Can’t make a discovery socket for OSError: [Errno 99] Address not available
21:30 components/media_player/ (WARNING)

The only one I’m not at all surprised at given the others :slight_smile:
Setup of config is taking over 10 seconds.
21:29 (WARNING)

Really? input_booleans/text/select/datetimes take longer than 10 seconds to setup?
Setup of input_boolean is taking over 10 seconds.
21:29 (WARNING)

Setup of input_text is taking over 10 seconds.
21:29 (WARNING)

Setup of group is taking over 10 seconds.
21:29 (WARNING)

Setup of input_select is taking over 10 seconds.
21:29 (WARNING)

Setup of input_datetime is taking over 10 seconds.
21:29 (WARNING)

Possibly a config error on my part but seems to work…
Error while setting up platform haveibeenpwned
21:29 helpers/ (ERROR)

No, I haven’t tried disabling these, mostly because I have been using these components for quite some time and didn’t used to get all these errors.
You are using a custom component for sensor.illuminance which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
21:29 (WARNING)

You are using a custom component for sensor.rpi_power which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
21:29 (WARNING)

You are using a custom component for sensor.places which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
21:29 (WARNING)

If everything works I don’t worry about it

I’d ignore the WARNINGs. The errors on the other hand…

what is haveibeenpwned?

This is an issue with home assistant cloud. Might just be a temporary startup issue that sorts itself out. Does cloud work?

Looks like there is an issue with group.family_view that is propagating down. What kinda stuff is in group.family_view? Are you using a large photo for a device_tracker device? Could be that, not sure.

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haveibeenpwned is a component that checks if your email address has been compromised in a data leak. A simple search should find it, I think it is part of but not sure and can’t check now.

Good idea about the large photo for a device tracker. That sounds entirely plausible. I’ll check that later.

Lastly I don’t (knowingly) use the Ha cloud so I’m not sure why it’s having a problem.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this.

I’m just spit balling here too. Don’t take my word as gold. I’m just looking at the errors and making guesses based on the components and errors.

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I found the haveibeenpwned component unreliable. It had trouble receiving updates regularly. Not sure if this was a scrape / throttling thing their end or not but I ended up removing it.

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