So Many Z-Wave Issues

I am running HassIO on a RasperryPi3. I just got a Aeotec Z-Wave stick and an Aeotec MultiSensor6. I am having tons of problems getting things setup. I am finding a lot of different resources saying to do different things.

Problem #1: I have the following line in my configuration.yaml

  # usb_path: /dev/ttyACM1
  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0

I keep having to change the configuaration.yaml between “ttyACM1” and “ttyACM0”. It seems that the path keeps changing, possibly every time the z-stick is taken out to pair a device.

Problem #2: Should zwave devices be paired by taking out the zstick and pressing it’s button to pair or should devices be paired through the home assistant interface (zwave gui under Configuration in the Front End)

Problem #3: At one point I had the multisensor paired and it was showing up in home assistant. The values were not updating. The issue may be been that the Command Option was not changed from Basic Set to Binary Sensor Report. I tried doing that through Home Assistant (Zwave Configuration GUI). I found the setting in the drop down menu, but it would not change.

Any suggestions?

Well, from experience never pair with the stick alone - pair from within the zwave tools in the configurator - this will a) keep you configuration intact and b) as well as avoid the mapping issue

For the sensor - depending on battery or power sensor - to accept settings the sensor needs to be awake - so wake, apply setting, wait for confirmation - worth tailing the OZW_cfg.log (from memory) in the homeassisstant directory for the messages

Ok. I finally got this working. What a pain, but this is what ended up working for me.

Problem 1 Solution:
As collse indicated, I did not have to take the z-wave stick out of the RPI3 to pair my device (contrary to what is shown in some videos). Pair the device through the Z-Wave section under Configuration in the Home Assistant frontend. I clicked “ADD NODE” in home assistant then pressed the action button on the MultiSensor6 to pair it.

Note: Running “dmesg | grep USB” in a SSH terminal was useful for figuring out the USB path to put in the configuration .yaml file, just look for “ttyXXXX”.

Problem 2 Solution:
The USB path (ACM0 vs ACM1) becomes a non-issue from the solution above since it was changing every time the z-stick was taken in and out.

Problem 3 Solution:
I ended up doing 2 things here. I changed my configuration.yaml to:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM1
  # usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  polling_interval: 30000

At first this didn’t work. Next I tried modifying the “Group1 Interval” time by changing the “value” to 15. The change was undone upon restarting home assistant. I was able to find the same setting in the Z-Wave configurator in home assistant. Making the change there did the trick. Things are now working and updating.

I don’t know if the interval value of 15 is too fast and will cause issues. I got the value from another thread (Aeotec ZW100 MultiSensor 6 - changes not seen on frontend). It seems that the changes occur every 30 seconds (which is what the configuration.yaml entry defines), so I don’t really know what the impact of the 15 second value is. Anyone else know?

it depends. is the sensor battery powered or USB? Same setup here, but I use it on battery. I tried USB too, the sensor was awake all the time, 15s worked, but I tested it only for a limited time (2-3 hours max). If you are using it on battery, this value has no effect, you will have to alter the wakeup value. But be aware, the battery will drain faster. Anyway, according to a reply here, you should add the sensor securely, by clicking ADD NODE SECURE instead of ADD NODE in the zwave configuration panel…

The sensor is USB powered. It is now working without any issues (without secure pairing). I am getting all 6 of the expected sensors plus some other items. There doesn’t seem to be any clarity as to why there is a need to pair this securely. It was enough of a pain for the unsecure pairing, I don’t think I want to open that can of worms again…

You can also fix that using /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00 instead of /dev/ttyACM0.

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You can’t use that in, well at least you can’t on my pi :frowning:

core-ssh:~#  ls -al /dev/serial/by-id
ls: /dev/serial/by-id: No such file or directory
core-ssh:~#  ls /dev/serial/by-id
ls: /dev/serial/by-id: No such file or directory
core-ssh:~#  ls /dev/serial
ls: /dev/serial: No such file or directory
core-ssh:~#  ls /dev
char     init     null     random   stdin    urandom
fd       kmsg     ptmx     shm      stdout   zero
full     mqueue   pts      stderr   tty

You are ssh’ed into the SSH add-on, which doesn’t have access to the hardware. If you want to see the devices, SSH to the host of instead by following

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OK, thanks I’ll give it a try :slight_smile:

Have any luck?

Yep it works fine :slight_smile:

Are you willing to share a step-by-step of what you did?

It was 3 months ago but all I did was follow the steps in the link