Aeotec ZW100 MultiSensor 6 - changes not seen on frontend

Hey guys, I had a look around the forums before posting and I believe I took all the suggested steps… to no avail.

I have the Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 and Aeotec ZW100 MultiSensor 6.
I expose the sensor data I’d like to see in a group:

I have also set the XML configuration to ensure that the sensor should update regularly:

<Value type=“int” genre=“config” instance=“1” index=“111” label=“Group 1 Interval” units=“seconds” read_only=“false” write_only=“false” verify_changes=“false” poll_intensity=“0” min=“1” max=“2678400” value=“15”>
The interval for sending reports for group 1. The effective behavior of this setting depends on the device's power source: - If the device is on USB power, it will send the reports at the configured interval; set it to something low (~15-60 seconds) to get frequent updates from a powered device. - If the device is on battery, the sensor will never report in more often than its configured wake interval, regardless of what this setting is configured to; setting this to 3601 when the wake interval is 3600 would make this group report in every 7200 seconds. 240 seconds is the minimum wake interval, but will quickly use battery.

However, despite furious waving in-front of the sensor, no updates to the front end! Definately none at the schedule I set (15 seconds)…

Any advice?

FYI: I am running HASS on a Pi3, installed using the pip3 installer, not AIO/Hassbian.
I have control over a zwave plug and also believe the figures reported (temp) from the multisensor to be fairly accurate, just no updates when movement is detected…

Ideally I’d like to add movement to an automation condition - hence wanting to see it update!

Did you change the Multisensor in OZWCP from basic reporting to binary?

I did in OZWCP but that appears different to the XML - currently configured:

<Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="Command Options" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="1" max="2" vindex="0" size="1">
<Help>Which commands to send when PIR motion sensor triggered OZW Ideal Value is Binary Sensor Report</Help>
<Item label="Basic Set (default) " value="1" />
<Item label="Binary Sensor Report" value="2" />

What do I change to achieve that?

This didn’t work:


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Setting vindex=“1” did work though - trial and error!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction @rpitera

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@trp I know I am late to the party on this one, but how did you change those values? I have tried changing the values in the zwcfg xml file in the .homeassistant directory, but they get overwritten each time I restart HA

Thank you for this, I have been trying to get this changed for 2 days now.

You should be able to do all the config in HA so change from basic to binary reporting, this example is actually for your device:

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@mark.carline YOU, sir, are a frickin’ genius! I saw that documentation and for some reason just did not put 2 and 2 together to understand that was the process I needed. Thank you so much for taking the time to link to that. I just had no idea I could do all that from the front end of HA.

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:wink: anytime!