So what is the best Mowing Robot?

Hey Guys,
So Summer is coming up and we recently redone our garden so we are thinking about getting a Robot to not mow anymore.
I have read about existing Bosch, Stihl and Husqvarna/Gardena Integrations. But which one would you recommend ? On all Robots I have checked out I have seen both good and bad reviews so im just very unsure.

Our Lawn is about 300m^2 and has a Terrace in the middle of it where at the smallest space is only 2m width ( the Robot has to go through that to charge).

We dont really have hard edges besides the terrace (no walls or anything). I have read about Joernborups thread but its two years old now and I think there are many new products available.

I just checked, I think the following brands do have some models working with homeassistant:
Al-Ko Robolinho (Not too sure on this one tbh, they do have some type of Access but I havent seen a repo or anything with access to it)
McCulloch (atleast with the “robonext” kit)

I would prefer it if the Robot wouldnt be over 700€ but more is okay if that means it works great

“So what is the best Mowing Robot?”

My wife. [rim-shot] :laughing:

…But don’t tell her I said that. :grimacing: :face_with_head_bandage: :wink:

anyway, I have nothing more to add. Carry on…


I would be interested too - particularly on comments from anyone with a Worx Landroid model