"socket.send() raised exception." Can someone please point me in the right direction?

I have recently upgraded to a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4gb ram and a 32gb sd card, running Home Assistant Core 0.115.6.

Log Details (WARNING)
Logger: asyncio
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/selector_events.py:901
First occurred: 5:33:28 PM (462 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:19:58 PM
socket.send() raised exception.

Can someone please at least point me in the right direction? I’ve Googled, but I literally don’t understand most of the words in the few results I’ve found. For example:

asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax.

MY HA crashed, and I have no idea why, but I restarted at 5:33pm and have had 462 occurances of this error since then. I’ve been seeing this on and off for months, since I had my old Pi3B+. (I’ve tried to figure out why it’s crashed but I don’t know how because the logs delete themselves when you restart, apparently?)

It seems to have to do with python which I believe is what HA is written in? Maybe? I certainly haven’t tinkered with the underlying code, so I’m at a loss.

Should I reinstall HA? Try a new SD card? Uninstall add-ons and reinstall one by one? My Zigbee has been acting up, could it have anything to do with that?

I’d appreciate any hints. Thank you.

I’m having HA crash occasionally over the past couple of weeks on my RPi 3 after well over a year of behaving great. I also see this exception.

Yesterday, I got a new SD card (SanDisk 32GB Endurance), installed the latest HassIO image, and restored from backup. I’ve had 2 crashes since then.

In another thread, someone pointed out that they saw improved stability after moving to an external database, but I already do that.

Is there a way to see /var/log/{message,syslog,…} on Hassio? I have tried using Portainer, but didn’t succeed.

Any other clues on what might be causing this?

I will try the disabling/reinstalling add-ons next.

  • B

Any solution on that please?