Soil humidity sensor 433Mhz decode

Hi, i have been trying to find some 433Mhz soil humidity sensors. I found the following:

Misol Soil Sensor

They can be bought off ebay for $10. The form factor is pretty nice and they are capacitive. Has anyone used one like this before? I tried with RFlink and RTL_433 but they dont seem to pick it up on the built in decoders.

Any ideas or suggestions welcome


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I also got theres sensors and with RTL_433 I discover them as Fine Offset Electronics WH51 Soil Moisture Sensor and got report from them.

They cannot work with RFlink according to the FSK modulation they use. but with RTL_433 no problem

yes, i’ve got them working with RTL_433, there were a couple of bugs that the RTL_433 developer (merbanan) quickly fixed in github after i opened them… Kudos to him, latest build as of last week is all good and working well with the WH51

ok cool, I guest I’m just lucky you start looking first! thank-you

I know this is an older thread, but did you have to do anything special in your command line to read this guy?

not anymore it is already fixe on the latest in github. One thing to note though is that some of these devices are 908Mhz and others are 433. When i ordered 5 i got 3 and 2 and had to return the other 2

I had some trouble getting it working. Mine was on 915mhz. For me, this config worked in the rtl_433 add on for home assistant. Specifying the sample rate was what finally got it working for me for some reason.-

output      mqtt://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
protocol    142
frequency     915M
sample_rate  256k
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915mhz is the frequency of most WH51use in rtl_433

mine were all 433. ordered from ebay/ RTL433 now decodes them well

mine use 915 fwiw, WH-51