Soil moisture sensor not recognized by Plant Monitor integration

Hello everyone,

Today I have connected my new Zigbee Tuya plant sensor via Zigbee to my HA setup via ZHA / Nabu Casa SkyConnect. HA does recognize the temperature and soil moisture sensors, but when I want to add the plant through the Integration Plant Monitor, this integration does not recognize any soil moisture sensor. Any idea how I can solve this?

Only entities that are of a device_class of moisture will appear in the soil moisture sensor dropdown when you are setting up your plant. You can leave that blank during set up.

Later, in Developer Tools → Actions, you can use the action plant.replace_sensor to update the moisture sensor to any sensor you want.

action: plant.replace_sensor
  meter_entity: sensor.your_plant_sensor
  new_sensor: sensor.your_soil_moisture_sensor
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Works perfectly, thank you @iamjosh!

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BTW, what sensor are you using?

I’ve bought this one: INSOMA SGS01

Thank you for the info

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