Solar Forecast - Allow Decimal Peak Power

I have a relatively common East + West SolarPV layout with approx 4kW total generation.

However, I have more panels on one side of the roof than the other, so my system is not 2kW+2kW, it’s more like 1.7kW +2.3kW

Attempting to enter “1.7” or “2.3” into the solar forecast integration results in just the integer part being retained, ie “1” and “2”… giving me 3kW total, so all the results are off.

So, presumably the fields could be changed to allow floating point values?

However, I also saw a FR for dynamic peak power calculations (Energy Management - Dynamic Solar Forecast) - so perhaps this field could just be calculated anyway??

(But it would still need to change from integer :wink: )

I think you are missing something here. In the UI of the Integrations you can type in your kwp power in watts. Apparently you are typing it in kW

Aha! Yes, I hadn’t thought about reading the clear text describing the units!
Thanks :slight_smile: