Solar Inverter API from J2EE to Python port

Hello All,

Last yearI had few solar panels installed with a inverter from SOFAR. The software for the inverter as well as the mobile app and web-site are developed by a company called IGEN Tech Inc based in China. This company seems to develop the software for the front-end side to communicate to the outside world (ie their cloud based collectors where the mobile app draw its info from)

That being said the front end software in the inverter seems to be fairly generic as the list of selectable inverters show almost two dozen manufacturers so it mioght be worthwhile to have this ported to a python codebase.

I’ve received an API guide from them but the REST part is targeted against their cloud base whereas the java API devkit can directly talk to the inverter. Not being developer myself I was wondering if anyone could have look and see if it A. can be done and B. might be willing to actually do it.


Hi Elonden,
I just got my Sofar Solar inverter, did you receive any tips to interface their app to HA?

Im looking into the Sofar HYD products. Have you been able to find any information yet?
I want to be able to use Ha to control the inverter when energyprice is low, for example.

Hello Speedo,

I still use their REST API interface to collect the data from their cloud instance. Based on that I’ll turn on or off equipment around the house.


Do you have the REST API documentation?
Can you only read from it our can you post aswell?

I want to be able to post changes, like, if there is a storm coming based on weather report I want to tell the inverter to fill up battery from Grid. Or program it to sell when electricity price is high or charge when low.

You need to contact Sofar and ask for a developers account. Then you will get the API documentation as well. The notes I have are all read-only so that wouldn’t likely do what you want. AFAIK there is no programmable smarts in the inverter that allows you to redirect power to different outputs.