So I finally got around to setting up the integration after our plant was just recently completed! Although I haven’t tested it thoroughly yet it seems to work like a charm!
Thanks Lukas
So I finally got around to setting up the integration after our plant was just recently completed! Although I haven’t tested it thoroughly yet it seems to work like a charm!
Thanks Lukas
Hi. Can someone tell me how to install this Kostal data pulling service in Home assistant. I cannot figure out how or where to do it. Im very new to Home Assistant
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Hi Claus,
although currently just reading this thread, check out the GitHub here (see installation).
I assume that you may need ssh.
Hope this helps.
can you show your configuration
Hello Lukas,
how can i read data from 2 inverters at the same time?
Hi Christian,
i never tried that. Just try it out. You need to add it twice to the config of cause.
I think Home Assistant should add the entities with a two afterwards.
- path: strom
background: center / cover url("/local/backgound4.jpg") fixed
title: Strom
panel: false
badges: []
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
name: Verbrauch
align_icon: left
align_state: center
hour24: true
animate: true
fill: false
- value: 0
color: '#0000ff'
- value: 500
color: '#ff9d00'
- value: 1000
color: '#ff2d00'
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_power
- type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
name: Haus Grid
align_state: center
align_icon: left
hour24: true
animate: true
fill: false
- value: 10
color: '#1bff00'
- value: 500
color: '#1032db'
- value: 1000
color: '#ff2d00'
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_power_from_grid
- type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
name: Kauf/Verkauf(+/-)
align_state: center
align_icon: left
animate: true
hour24: true
fill: false
- value: -1
color: '#1bff00'
- value: 0
color: '#1032db'
- value: 1
color: '#ff2d00'
- entity: sensor.kostal_power_grid
- type: 'custom:power-distribution-card'
title: Solar
animation: slide
- decimals: 2
display_abs: true
name: solar
unit_of_display: W
icon: 'mdi:solar-power'
producer: true
entity: sensor.kostal_pv_power
preset: solar
- decimals: 2
display_abs: true
name: home
unit_of_display: W
consumer: true
icon: 'mdi:home-assistant'
entity: sensor.kostal_home_power
preset: home
- decimals: 2
display_abs: true
name: grid
unit_of_display: W
icon: 'mdi:transmission-tower'
entity: sensor.kostal_power_grid
preset: grid
- decimals: 2
display_abs: true
name: battery
unit_of_display: W
consumer: true
icon: 'mdi:battery-outline'
producer: true
entity: sensor.kostal_battery_power
preset: battery
type: card
type: glance
- sun.sun
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: gauge
entity: sensor.kostal_pv_power
min: 0
max: 6000
name: Solar Strom gesammt
- type: gauge
entity: sensor.kostal_home_power_from_pv
min: 0
max: 7000
name: Solar Strom Verbrauch
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: entity
entity: sensor.kostal_battery_cycles
name: Batterie Zyklus
- type: entity
entity: sensor.kostal_home_power_from_battery
name: Strom von Batterie
- cards:
- animation:
state: 'on'
direction: up
- entity: sensor.kostal_battery_state_of_charge
icon: 'off'
indicator: 'off'
name: 'off'
title: 'off'
value: inside
- color: Red
from: '0'
to: '15'
- color: Orange
from: '15'
to: '49'
- color: Green
from: '50'
to: '100'
title: Batterie
type: 'custom:bar-card'
width: 60%
height: 150px
- animate: true
- color: '#c95043'
value: 0
- color: '#1258f4'
value: -1
- entity: sensor.kostal_battery_power
index: 0
height: 200
hour24: true
name: Laden/Entladen
type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
type: horizontal-stack
- type: vertical-stack
- entities:
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_day
name: Verbrauch
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_battery_day
name: von Batterie
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_grid_day
name: von Netz
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_pv_day
name: von PV
title: Heute
type: glance
- entities:
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_month
name: Verbrauch
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_battery_month
name: von Batterie
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_grid_month
name: von Netz
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_pv_month
name: von PV
title: Monat
type: glance
- entities:
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_year
name: Verbrauch
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_battery_year
name: von Batterie
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_grid_year
name: von Netz
- entity: sensor.kostal_home_consumption_from_pv_year
name: von PV
title: Jahr
type: glance
Hello Lukas
Am I just not seeing it, or is there no entity for the total production day/mont/year/total?
HomeConsumptionYieldDay and so on
Thanks, i was confused with the “Consumption” I expected the prefix to be “Production”
But it works perfect
possible to add support for Kostal Piko inverters?
Hey Lukas,
your Kostal integration looks absolutely awesome.
Thank you so much.
Hi Lukas,
is this yours?
The “Solar Power” should be the Sum of all DC strings but the values are wrong. Anyone else with this problem?
I have an issue recently with the integration. I think it’s since the integration into HA itself, or some other update… It only shows a few sensors. I removed it from the config, removed the custom_component and added it via the interface from HA again.
As you can see in the screenshot most of the values are unavailable:
Anyone an idea? Issue still exists with 2021.9.1 and deleting and re-adding it.
Those sensors are not enabled by default. Click on the sensor you want and then ‘enable entity’. Takes about 30 seconds and then the sensor will be available.
Has anyone managed to get this working for the energy component? It seems one needs a few extra sensors as in “energy going into battery” is not available and has to be created by template?