Solar Inverter: Kostal Plenticore Plus integration

I have the same issue:
The Energy-Tab has no Source for Battery-Input, only Home Consumption from Battery. This way it can’t be used. Also There seem to be no “power to the grid”, only Home Consumption from Grid". The Integration so far seem to only have “Consumption” Sources, but no “feeding” sources.

I mean, at some point, if there don’t exist any sources, they could be … calculated? Although I see the point, even if calculated, there is no way to differ, if the power is fed to grod or to battery … hmm … :-/ Maybe there are some stats more I don’t see so far?

Hi everyone,

@Samoangtagey, I have been using Modus to access grid power:

    - name: ksem
      type: tcp
      host: # Hier die persönliche IP des KSEM eintragen
      port: 502
        - name: ksem_bezug_kWh
          slave: 1
          address: 512
          count: 4
          scan_interval: 60
          scale: 0.0001
          precision: 3
          device_class: energy
          unit_of_measurement: kWh
          state_class: total_increasing
        - name: ksem_einspeisung_kWh
          slave: 1
          address: 516
          count: 4
          scan_interval: 60
          scale: 0.0001
          precision: 3
          device_class: energy
          unit_of_measurement: kWh
          state_class: total_increasing

This is sufficient for the Energy configuration. Maybe it helps.


Right now, I am looking for a way to disable battery discharging from automations (to avoid battery discharge while charging my car).

I was hoping to simply write to battery_min_soc, but that seems to be read only (despite the documentation marking it as RW)? Anyone has some idea? Thanks in advance!

I’m also still looking for a way to get values for “kwh to Battery” to integrate the battery successfull in energy management.

@JonasDee modbus integration for grid power works for me. :+1:

Hi Guys,

I have issue with my Plenticore Plus.
Despite having smart meter integrated it does not show grid consumption/feed in.
Also, house consumption stays inactive at all times.
I am suspecting the electrician as already discovered… he did not install the meter as I have no battery (-:
Luckily I found it in pile of crap in the garage after they moved out of the building site.

Great solution, work perfect for my Kostal Ksem, now i can se correct Feed in in energy dashboard.

you need a better wall charger liek

That seems like a bongled installation of the meter, we had the issue, that the oven and stove were not being checked because they had been installed serially after the meter. The thing is the meter has to be the last thing in your actual connections and it has to be installed properly. Yours seems not to be.

Hello guys,
I had the same issue. Therefore thanks to the input from the I have solved my problems with this Kostal Integration.
However I have created a video for this topic. In case you struggle just have a watch.
But it is in german language :sweat_smile:

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any idea why it after last updates stopped working - i am still in my very beginnings with YAML and cant really diagnose why the Modbus KSEM stopped working - it just says, “not available”


I had to add data type to the sensors:
data_type: uint64

My energy dashboard shows the following problems:

I made the configuration as follows:

I generated the sensor for feeding into the grid as a template sensor as follows:

- name: "Energie Netz Einspeisung total"
      state: >-
          {{ (states('sensor.scb_energy_yield_total') | float - states('sensor.scb_home_consumption_from_pv_total') | float - states('sensor.scb_home_consumption_from_battery_total') | float) | round(1, default=0) }}
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      icon: mdi:transmission-tower-import
      device_class: energy
      state_class: measurement
        last_reset: "1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

I don’t understand the above problem. Why can’t the self-consumed solar energy be calculated?
Has anyone done this better?

Thanks !
Seems like it worked…

Hi all,
I am using the Kostal integration. In one of the last versions a new switch appeared → switch.kostal_plenticore_plus_10_0_battery_strategy

I think it makes possible to switch between “automatic” and “automatic economic” or am I wrong? If I am right, what represence the on state and what the off state?

Can somebody help, please?

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Hi, sorry to hijack this thread but i guess someone in here will have an answer for me :blush:

My old Goodwe inverter has died and i am looking for a new alternative.
As I hated not being able to get data form the old one i am looking for something with a Local api for home assistant integration, and the Kostal Plenticore 5,5 kW hybridinverter seems like a good option.

If i buy the Kostal Plenticore 5,5 kW hybridinverter unit, do i need anything else to get useful metrics for home assistant? I do not plan to add a battery to te system (at least not yet).

I saw some mention of a smart meter… Is that necessary to get correct data? :thinking:

Where i live phase balancing is not required as the energy meter sums usage across all phases, and deducts my delivery to the grid at the given time.

Hi mate,
without the KSM you are blind.
You don’t see the consumption from home, you don’t see the difference between grid and home consumption.

It is more or less a must buy

I would work with the KSM and not a template sensor for the Netzeinspeisung.

Here is what I use:

  - name: KSEM 
    type: tcp
    port: 502
    - name: netzbezug_leistung_ksem
      slave: 1
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: W
      scale: 0.1
      address: 0
      scan_interval: 10 # Defines the update interval of the sensor in seconds.
      count: 2 # Anzahl zu lesenden Register
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint32

    - name: netzeinspeisung_leistung_ksem
      slave: 1
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: W
      scale: 0.1
      address: 2
      scan_interval: 10 # Defines the update interval of the sensor in seconds.
      count: 2 # Anzahl zu lesenden Register
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint32

    - name: netzbezug_energie_ksem
      slave: 1
      scale: 0.0001 # wegen kWh (0.1/1000)
      precision: 3
      address: 512
      scan_interval: 60 # Defines the update interval of the sensor in seconds.
      count: 4 # Anzahl zu lesenden Register
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint64
      device_class: energy
      state_class: total_increasing
      unit_of_measurement: kWh

    - name: netzeinspeisung_energie_ksem
      slave: 1
      scale: 0.0001 # wegen kWh (0.1/1000)
      precision: 3
      address: 516
      scan_interval: 60 # Defines the update interval of the sensor in seconds.
      count: 4 # Anzahl zu lesenden Register
      input_type: holding
      data_type: uint64
      device_class: energy
      state_class: total_increasing
      unit_of_measurement: kWh

Keep in mind: I don’t have a battery…yet :wink:

Hello dear,
is there a way to manage battery?

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Hello Palban,
not sure what you mean by manage a battery but you get many sensors to read and work with.
Also in the Energy Dashboard a battery can be included if I remember correclty.

Does this help you?

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Does anyone read the house consumption from ksem?