🌿 ESPlanty | Self-watering Solar Powered Plant | No plumbing & no powerpoints | # Irrigation , # Deep Sleep , # Battery

Dear @Mahko_Mahko
Very nice post.
I was just testing you ESP Code. It is very nice!!!
I was wondering why you are using “input_boolean.defeat_sleep” with a helper and not a dedicated switch for this device?
Did you tried such a solution?


I’ve refined the config more which I’ll repost soonish.

I was considering having both wake options.

The remote virtual switch doesn’t require any hardware.

A button/switch would need to be weatherproofed.

I may still add one.

I recall that a wake button is better than a wake switch. Something about it being hard to determine the true state of a switch on boot. Might be wrong though.

You’re welcome.

I was more thinking about a “remote” virtual switch on the device, and not created with a helper.
There where i have my switch Test.

Oh right I see.

The virtual switch can’t be on the device as when it is in deep sleep it will not track the state as changed in HA / retrieve the changed state when it wakes (I think).

I would prefer that but it doesn’t seem to work as you might want. Let me know if you find otherwise.

Till now, i couldn’t fine a solution.
Maybe someone else?
I will open a new Topic with this question.

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Trying to repropagate a large jade branch cutting!


Underneath it’s just like this (it’s not the same as below but it is just a stump below soil)…! Hope it survives!

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Interesting project. I just started something simular for my balcony. No plumbing and no power outlet.
I ordered some parts from Aliexpress. As for now it is enough for 8 plants, expandable to 16. I use a 8-relay board with onboard ESP, with an extra 8-relay board I can expand it to 16.
Each plant has it’s own micropump. The idea is to measure the moisture and when it’s on the minimum the according pump starts for a defined time to water it to the max level. I want to do that with some interruptions to get a more accurate measuring of the moisture level. The main hose comes from the tank, goes tot an 8-fold divider. From there there goes a hose to every pump.

I just received all the parts and programmed the ESP so it is visible in Home Assistant, so I’m not that far yet

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Keep me posted on your project please.

I’m probably going to do another one when I finally finish this one that will service two plants, so keen to see your “multi plant solution”.

The new one will replace my old “beer dispenser” irrigation system;)

That’s a really nice way to do it with a beer pump :smiley:
What type of sensor are you using for the waterlevel sensor in the tank?

The new system has a VL53L0X. I’m still working through some reliability issues. Might be connections. Stops reporting when battery voltage gets lower. But generally works well. Much smaller than an ultrasonic.

The old system doesn’t have anything. I got a float switch which I was going to use with an aqara reed switch but I never got around to installing it.

I think I was originally going to pop one of these in the bottom but the signal range didn’t seem to be good and I don’t think they’re really supposed to be immersed.

AU $23.31 48%OFF | Aqara Flood Sensor Water Immersing Sensor IP67 Waterproof Remote Alarm Work With Smart home app

AU $2.18 | Thinary VL53L0X Time-of-Flight (ToF) Laser Ranging Sensor Breakout 940nm GY-VL53L0XV2 Laser Distance Module I2C IIC 3.3V/5V

I’m not at that point yet, but I have to add one in my system as well. I’ll have a look at that one when I’m going to add one.

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Rewired it with better quality wire and it seems to be ok now.

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind

Can you share your button code from ha?

Which button do you mean?

I thought you were trying to add a button to the dashboard to stop deepsleep? I’m trying to figure out how to prevent my sensor node from going to sleep too do OTA updates when needed.

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yeah my main way is based on this approach. You toggle on a HA control and next time it wakes and connects, it will stay awake.

The HA config is similar to this (think I’ve changed the name).

    name: "Keep ESPs Awake"
    initial: false
    icon: mdi:sleep-off


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I’ll maintain my master config here. May not maintain it well though.

Edit: Fresh paste on 2024-01-13

  #Determine night time battery loss.
  #More testing insitu
  #HA alerts for low water, low battery, data updates not working.
  #Check pump runs.
  #Monitor review wet/dry/battery thresholds.
  #Make debugging sensors internal.

  sleep_time: 60min
  auto_wake_time: 20s
  pump_run_time: 10s
  internal_mode: "true"
  long_deep_sleep_duration: 24h
  bh1750_i2c_scl_blue: GPIO27
  bh1750_i2c_sda_green: GPIO25
  vl53l0x_i2c_scl_blue: GPIO23
  vl53l0x_i2c_sda_green: GPIO05  
  power_peripheral_pin: GPIO26

  pump_switch_pin: GPIO18
  batt_voltage_pin: GPIO33
  soil_moisture_pin: GPIO34

# G                        # RST                            #1 tx         # G
# NC                       # VP                             #3 rx         #@ 27 bh1750 blue scl  ${bh1750_i2c_scl_blue}
# VN                       #@ 26 ${power_peripheral_pin}    #22           #@ 25 bh1750 green sda ${bh1750_i2c_sda_green}
# 35                       #@ 18 ${pump_switch_pin}         #21           #@ 32
#@ 33 ${batt_voltage_pin}  #@ 19                            #27           # TDI
# 34 ${soil_moisture_pin}  #@ 23 ${vl53l0x_i2c_scl_blue}    #25           #@ 4
# TMS                      #@ 5  ${vl53l0x_i2c_sda_green}   #G            # 0
# NC                       # 3v3                            #5v           # 2
# SD2                      # TCK                            #TDO          # SD1
# CMD                      # SD3                            #SDO          # CLK

  board: ttgo-t7-v14-mini32 #pinout: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Ha204b20d14d243faa0c1a8760de1b187r.jpg
  name: "esplanty"
  friendly_name: ESPlanty
  comment: Balcony Solar Irrigation
    # #Try this if sensors don't boot. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/add-sensor-delay-upon-power-on/158567/6?u=mahko_mahko
    # https://community.home-assistant.io/t/i2c-bus-scan-after-deep-sleep-recovery/524925/7?u=mahko_mahko
    - priority: 900
      - lambda: |-
    - priority: -100
        #Reset sensor update counters. These are for debugging.
        - lambda: id(count_irrigation_lux).publish_state(0);
        - lambda: id(count_batt_voltage).publish_state(0);
        - lambda: id(count_irrigation_tof).publish_state(0);
        - delay: 1s     
        #Auto sensor updates are turned off and manually requested on boot. These are multi-sampled and then aggregated. 
        #The ESP then goes back to sleep when they're done (unless told to stay awake).
          #Request sensor updates        
        - logger.log: "....Starting sensor updates"
        - repeat:
            count: 5 #Update cycles
              - component.update: batt_voltage #Battery level
              - delay: 100ms
              - component.update: soil_moisture_voltage #Moisture level
              - delay: 100ms
              - component.update: tof #Water tank level
              - delay: 100ms
              - component.update: irrigation_lux #Light level
              - delay: 100ms
            #second pass for ADC based sensors which benefit from more samples.
              - component.update: batt_voltage
              - delay: 200ms
              - component.update: soil_moisture_voltage
              - delay: 200ms
              - component.update: tof #Water tank level
              - delay: 100ms

  on_shutdown: #Includes deep sleep
    priority: -100
      - script.wait: run_pump_for_pump_run_time #Wait until pump run is done.
      - if:
            - binary_sensor.is_on: all_updates_recieved           
            - logger.log: "Data updates ok..."
            - logger.log: "A sensor might be down...missing updates" 
            - binary_sensor.template.publish:
                id: data_update_problem
                state: ON
            - delay: 1s
      - switch.turn_off: pump #Probably not required....
    #Turn off 5v peripheral power. It will retore as on when it wakes.
      - logger.log: "Turning off peripheral power..."
      - switch.turn_off: power_peripherals
    #Turn off the "Fresh data recieved sensors"
      - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: water_tank_level_recieved
          state: OFF
      - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: irrigation_lux_recieved
          state: OFF
      - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: batt_level_recieved
          state: OFF
      - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: solar_plant_moisture_level_recieved
          state: OFF
      - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: all_updates_recieved
          state: OFF
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: true


  level: VERBOSE
  baud_rate: 0
  - id: bh1750_i2c_bus
    sda: GPIO25 #data > green wire
    scl: GPIO27 #clock > blue wire
    scan: true
  - id: vl53l0x_i2c_bus
    sda: ${vl53l0x_i2c_sda_green} #data > green wire
    scl: ${vl53l0x_i2c_scl_blue} #clock > blue wire
    scan: true

#Auto deep sleep shouldn't actually get used if data updates are happening properly (should sleep sooner).
#But if something is wrong with data updates this will kick-in to protect battery discharge.
  id: deep_sleep_1
  run_duration: ${auto_wake_time}
  sleep_duration: ${sleep_time}
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: esptime
      #Deep sleep at 8pm and wake up at 6am.
      - hours: 20
          #Publish battery level to the end of day sensor since it will be our last update.
          - lambda: return id(end_of_day_battery_percent).publish_state(id(batt_level).state);
          #Reset culmulative light sensor reset
          - sensor.integration.reset: irrigation_cul_lux_hours
          - delay: 1s
          #Rest up
          - deep_sleep.enter:
              id: deep_sleep_1
              until: "06:00:00"
              time_id: esptime
 # Reports the ESPHome Version with compile date
  - platform: version
    name: ESPHome Version
#Watering Mode. 
  #Watering regime allows plant to become quite dry and then get a good watering,
  #as opposed to more frequent bang bang watering cycles. 
#TODO: More testing. 
  - platform: template
    name: "Watering Mode"
    id: watering_mode
    optimistic: true
    restore_value: true
      - Wetting Mode
      - Drying Mode
    initial_option: Drying Mode
#Upper mositure target (once dry)
  - platform: template
    name: Moisture Upper Target
    id: moisture_upper_target
    icon: mdi:arrow-collapse-up
    optimistic: true
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    min_value: 40.0
    max_value: 90.0
    step: 5.0
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 80.0
#Lower Water threshold (triggers watering regime). Need to establish good values.
  - platform: template
    name: Moisture Lower Threshold
    id: moisture_lower_threshold  
    icon: mdi:arrow-collapse-down
    optimistic: true
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    min_value: 5.0
    max_value: 60.0
    step: 5.0
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 50.0
#Battery Saving Mode Threshold. Trigger longer sleep cycles if below this and hope for sunlight.
  - platform: template
    name: Battery Saving Threshold 
    id: battery_saving_mode_threshold
    icon: mdi:battery-alert
    optimistic: true
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    min_value: 10.0
    max_value: 80.0
    step: 5.0
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 20.0
#Low water tank threshold. Don't water if below this.
  - platform: template
    name: Low tank water threshold 
    id: low_tank_water_threshold
    icon: mdi:water-remove-outline
    optimistic: true
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    min_value: 0.0
    max_value: 20.0
    step: 5.0
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 10.0

#Deep sleep if "allowed".
  - platform: template
    name: Sleep If Allowed
    internal: ${internal_mode}
    id: sleep_if_allowed
    icon: "mdi:sleep"
         - if:
              - binary_sensor.is_on: stay_awake_sensor
              - logger.log: "Sleep requested but STAY AWAKE mode is on. Skipping sleep."
              - deep_sleep.prevent: deep_sleep_1
              - logger.log: "Sleep requested and ALLOWED. Going to sleep..."     
              - deep_sleep.enter:
                  id: deep_sleep_1
                  sleep_duration: ${sleep_time}
#Force Deep Sleep
  - platform: template
    name:  Force Sleep
    id: force_deep_sleep
    icon: "mdi:bell-sleep"
    internal: ${internal_mode}
        - logger.log: "FORCE SLEEP requested...Going to sleep"     
        - deep_sleep.enter:
            id: deep_sleep_1
            sleep_duration: ${sleep_time}

#Long Sleep (part of battery saving mode)
  - platform: template
    name:  Long Sleep
    id: long_deep_sleep
    internal: ${internal_mode}
    icon: "mdi:bell-sleep"
        - logger.log: "LONG SLEEP requested...Going to sleep"
        #Publish battery level to the end of day sensor since it will be our last update.
        - lambda: return id(end_of_day_battery_percent).publish_state(id(batt_level).state);
        - deep_sleep.enter:
            id: deep_sleep_1
            sleep_duration: ${long_deep_sleep_duration}
        #Reset culmulative light sesnor reset
        - sensor.integration.reset: irrigation_cul_lux_hours

#Low tank water alert
  - platform: template
    id: tank_water_level_is_ok
    name: Tank Level Ok
    icon: mdi:water-remove-outline
    device_class: moisture
    lambda: |-
      if (id(water_tank_level).state > id(low_tank_water_threshold).state) 
          {return true;}
        else if (id(water_tank_level).state <= id(low_tank_water_threshold).state) 
          {return false;}
          return {};

#Data updates alert. I've had the lux/tof playing up. Seems to be when battery < ~ 40%
  - platform: template
    id: data_update_problem
    name: Sensor Problem
    icon: mdi:database-alert-outline
    device_class: problem
    entity_category: diagnostic

#Low Battery alert    
  - platform: template
    id: battery_level_is_low
    name: Battery Level Is Low 
    icon: mdi:battery-alert
    lambda: |-
      if (id(batt_level).state < id(battery_saving_mode_threshold).state) 
          {return true;}
        else if (id(batt_level).state >= id(battery_saving_mode_threshold).state) 
          {return false;}
          return {};
        - button.press: long_deep_sleep #Long deep sleep if battery low.
#Pump Sensor.    
  - platform: template
    id: pump_is_on
    name: Pump is On 
    icon: mdi:water-pump
    device_class: running
    lambda: |-
      return id(pump).state;

#Data Update Sensors. 
  #These were useful during dev. Might remove in prod.
  #All updated via other sensors.
  - platform: template
    name: Moisture updated
    id: solar_plant_moisture_level_recieved
    internal: ${internal_mode}
#Battery Level
  - platform: template
    name: Battery level updated
    id: batt_level_recieved
    internal: ${internal_mode}
  - platform: template
    name: Lux updated
    id: irrigation_lux_recieved
    internal: ${internal_mode}
#Water level
  - platform: template
    name: water level updated
    id: water_tank_level_recieved
    internal: ${internal_mode}
  - platform: template
    name: Data updates done
    id: all_updates_recieved
    icon: mdi:database-refresh-outline
    entity_category: diagnostic
    lambda: |-
      id(solar_plant_moisture_level_recieved).state &&
      id(batt_level_recieved).state &&
      id(irrigation_lux_recieved).state &&
        - binary_sensor.template.publish:
            id: data_update_problem
            state: OFF
      #Log that updates are all done
        - logger.log:
            format: "All sensors updated after %.1f secs of uptime. Checking if watering is required"
            args: [ 'id(uptime_sec).state']
        - delay: 100ms
      #Water if required and allowed then go to sleep. Note watering will only happen if total system is healthy (by design).
        - if:
                #Check if our watering regime wants a water dose
                - lambda: return (id(watering_mode).state == "Wetting Mode");
                - binary_sensor.is_off: battery_level_is_low # Not in battery saving mode.
                - binary_sensor.is_on: tank_water_level_is_ok #Tank Water is ok
                - binary_sensor.is_on: auto_water_sensor #Auto water is enabled
              - logger.log: "Watering required and allowed" 
              - switch.turn_on: pump
              - delay: ${pump_run_time}
              - delay: 1s
              - button.press: sleep_if_allowed
              - logger.log: "Watering not permitted!!.." #todo log reason? 
              - button.press: sleep_if_allowed
#Deep sleep control
#A lot of my logic is remashes of:

#Import HA Deep sleep control
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Stay Awake"
    internal: false #I want to know that everyone is talking to each other;)
    id: "stay_awake_sensor"
    entity_id: input_boolean.keep_esps_awake_switch_ha
    icon: "mdi:sleep-off"
    entity_category: diagnostic
        - logger.log: "STAY AWAKE requested from HA. Preventing deep sleep"
        - deep_sleep.prevent: deep_sleep_1
        - logger.log: "STAY AWAKE TURNED OFF. Going to sleep..."     
        - deep_sleep.enter:
            id: deep_sleep_1
            sleep_duration: ${sleep_time}

#Import Auto Water control
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: Auto Water
    internal: false
    id: "auto_water_sensor"
    entity_id: input_boolean.auto_water_planty
    icon: "mdi:auto-fix"


#Pump auto off timer
  - id: run_pump_for_pump_run_time
      - logger.log: "Running pump for ${pump_run_time}"
      - delay: ${pump_run_time}
      - switch.turn_off: pump

  - platform: gpio
    pin: ${pump_switch_pin}
    id: pump
    name: Pump 
    icon: mdi:water-pump
    internal: false
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
    on_turn_on: #Auto off timer. Flood protection.
      - script.stop: run_pump_for_pump_run_time # Stop any existing timers.
      - script.execute: run_pump_for_pump_run_time # Start new timer

#Control peripheral power (on solar power manager)
  - platform: gpio
    id: power_peripherals 
    name: Power Peripherals     
    pin: ${power_peripheral_pin}
    internal: true
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON #Power on when waking from sleep.

#For daily battery level change (below). i.e net energy production or loss.
#Globals survive deep sleep
  - id: previous_value
    type: float
    restore_value: yes
    initial_value: '0.0'

#Track end of day battery
  - platform: template
    name:  End of Day Battery
    id: end_of_day_battery_percent
    update_interval: never
    icon: "mdi:solar-power"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    accuracy_decimals: 3
        #Calculate change in end of day battery and publish to sensor
        - lambda: id(change_in_end_of_day_battery_percent).publish_state(x - id(previous_value));
        #Set previous value as current value.
        - lambda: |-
            id(previous_value) = x;
#Track daily changes in battery (i.e net solar production)
  - platform: template
    name: Change in End of Day Battery   
    id: change_in_end_of_day_battery_percent
    icon: mdi:trending-up
    internal: false
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    accuracy_decimals: 3

#Uptime sensor
  - platform: uptime
    id: uptime_sec
    name: Uptime Sensor 
    update_interval: 2s
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    unit_of_measurement: s

#For counting data updates recieved for each wake cycle.
#Manually updated via publishing from other sensors.
#Track Lux updates
  - platform: template
    name: "Count Lux Updates"
    id: count_irrigation_lux
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    unit_of_measurement: count
    entity_category: diagnostic
#Track ToF updates
  - platform: template
    name: "Count ToF Updates"
    id: count_irrigation_tof
    unit_of_measurement: count
    entity_category: diagnostic
#Track battery updates
  - platform: template
    name: "Count Batt V Updates"
    id: count_batt_voltage
    unit_of_measurement: count
    icon: "mdi:counter"
    entity_category: diagnostic
# Time of Flight sensor  - i2c
#Powered via 5v
  - platform: vl53l0x
    id: tof
    i2c_id: vl53l0x_i2c_bus
    # setup_priority: 300
    name:  ToF
    internal: false 
    address: 0x29
    timeout: 300ms
    update_interval: never
    entity_category: diagnostic
    # enable_pin: GPIO17 #Did not work: https://github.com/esphome/issues/issues/3644
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    unit_of_measurement: 'cm'
      - multiply: 100 #Convert to cm
      - median: #Moving median to smooth noise.  Sample 5 points then push.
          window_size: 5
          send_every: 5
          send_first_at: 5
      then:       #Push sensor update counter.
        - lambda: id(count_irrigation_tof).publish_state(id(count_irrigation_tof).state +1); 
#Convert the ToF distance to a water tank level (% full)
  - platform: copy
    source_id: tof
    id: water_tank_level
    internal: false
    # icon: "mdi:battery"
    name:  Water Tank Level
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    entity_category: ''
      # Map from distance to % full. To calibrate.
      - calibrate_linear:
          - 3 -> 100 
          - 19.5 -> 0
      ##Overide values less than 0% and more than 100%. Round to 0.5%.
      - lambda: |
          if (x > 100) return 100; 
          else if (x < 0) return 0;
          else return ceil(x / 5) * 5;
       - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: water_tank_level_recieved
          state: ON

# bh1750 Lux/light sensor
  - platform: bh1750
    id: irrigation_lux
    i2c_id: bh1750_i2c_bus
      # - id: bh1750_i2c_bus
    # sda: GPIO25 #data > green wire
    # scl: GPIO27 #clock > blue wire
    # scan: true
  # - id: vl53l0x_i2c_bus
    name: Lux
    address: 0x23
    update_interval: never
      - median:  #Use moving median to smooth noise. Sample 5 points then send.
          window_size: 5
          send_every: 5
          send_first_at: 5
       - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: irrigation_lux_recieved
          state: ON
      #Sensor update counter.
        - lambda: id(count_irrigation_lux).publish_state(id(count_irrigation_lux).state +1);

#Measure of total light per day. Poor persons DLI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_light_integral
  - platform: integration
    name: "Light per day"
    id: irrigation_cul_lux_hours
    sensor: irrigation_lux
    time_unit: s
    unit_of_measurement: lux*s
    restore: true
    accuracy_decimals: 0

#Voltage divider: Used 2 x 300K Ohm resistors
  - platform: adc
    id: batt_voltage
    name: Battery Voltage
    internal: true
    pin: ${batt_voltage_pin} #ADC1
    update_interval: never
    accuracy_decimals: 2
    attenuation: auto
      # #Scale it back up from voltage divided value 2 x 300K > 2.1. 4.2/2.1 = 2.
      - multiply: 2
      #Sensor update counter.
        - lambda: id(count_batt_voltage).publish_state(id(count_batt_voltage).state +1);
#Intermediate sensor. Might consolidate them later.
  - platform: copy
    source_id: batt_voltage
    id: batt_voltage_filtered
    icon: "mdi:battery"
    internal: false
    name:  Battery Voltage
    unit_of_measurement: V
    accuracy_decimals: 2
      - median: #Use moving median to smooth noise.
          window_size: 10
          send_every: 10
          send_first_at: 10
#Convert the Voltage to a battery  level (%)
  - platform: copy
    source_id: batt_voltage_filtered
    id: batt_level
    internal: false 
    icon: "mdi:battery"
    name: Battery Percent
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    accuracy_decimals: 0
      # Map from voltage to Battery level
      - calibrate_linear:
          - 3.1 -> 0 #Set 3.0 to 0% even though it can go lower (2.4V), for life extention. There's not much capacity below this anyway.
          - 4.1 -> 100 #Set 4.05 to 100% even though it can go higher (~4.2V), for life extention.
      #Overide values less than 0% and more than 100%
      - lambda: |
          if (x < 0) return 0; 
          else if (x > 100) return 100;
          else return ceil(x / 5) * 5;
      #Publish that data is recieved
       - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: batt_level_recieved
          state: ON
#Capacitive soil moisture sensor: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32832538686.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.55771802WgNqEA
#Voltage of the Capacitive soil moisture sensor
  - platform: adc
    name: Soil Moisture Volts 
    id: soil_moisture_voltage    
    pin: ${soil_moisture_pin}
    internal: false 
    accuracy_decimals: 1
    update_interval: never
    # never
    attenuation: auto
      - median:     #Use moving median to deal with noise. Sample 10, push 1.
          window_size: 10
          send_every: 10
          send_first_at: 10

#Convert the Voltage to a moisture  level (%)
  - platform: copy
    source_id: soil_moisture_voltage
    id: solar_plant_moisture_level
    name: Soil Moisture
    internal: false     
    icon: "mdi:water-percent"
    unit_of_measurement: '%'
    accuracy_decimals: 1
      #max and min values taken from testing with glass of water. Prob need to do in-situ tests.
      - calibrate_linear:
          - 1.66 -> 100.0
          - 2.90 -> 0.0
      #Handle/cap boundaries
      - lambda: |
          if (x < 0) return 0; 
          else if (x > 100) return 100;
          else return (x);
      #Data update recieved.
       - binary_sensor.template.publish:
          id: solar_plant_moisture_level_recieved
          state: ON
      #Help manage the watering mode.
      #TODO: Monitor/test
       - lambda: |-
           if (x < id(moisture_lower_threshold).state) 
              { return id(watering_mode).publish_state("Wetting Mode");}
           else if (x > id(moisture_upper_target).state)
              { return id(watering_mode).publish_state("Drying Mode");}
      #Help manage the watering mode.
      - below: !lambda return id(moisture_lower_threshold).state;
          - lambda: return id(watering_mode).publish_state("Wetting Mode");      
      - above: !lambda return id(moisture_upper_target).state;
          - lambda: return id(watering_mode).publish_state("Drying Mode");  


This post is for content relating to it’s operation.

I’ll start with a high level description. It essentially works very similar to other irrigation and deep sleep projects projects around:

  1. Wake up from deep sleep periodically and see if the plant needs water. If so, water, if not, back to sleep.
  2. Don’t water the plant if battery is low, instead, go back to sleep for a long time and hope you get recharged on next wake.
  3. Don’t water the plant if the tank level is low.
  4. The watering regime might be described as “incremental drip-feed towards an upper target, followed by drying towards a lower threshold”. This lets the plant dry out a bit, then “gives it a good water, but slowly rather than all at once”… I still need to monitor that this is working ok.
  5. The light sensor is handy for checking how much light both the plant and the solar panel is getting.

Hi @Mahko_Mahko , how are you measuring the battery voltage? do you have a schematic?