Solar PV intregration

Yes, sure

I defined two sensors in config.yaml:
Replace xxxxx with your own password and change IP to yours.
But I know that there are a few version of this page, so I am not sure this will work for you


  - platform: rest
   authentication: basic
   username: admin
   password: admin
   unit_of_measurement: 'W'
   value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("var webdata_now_p = \"(\d+)\"")}}'
   device_class: power
   name: "Solis current power"
 - platform: rest
   authentication: basic
   username: admin
   password: admin
   unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
   value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("var webdata_today_e = \"(\S+)\"")}}'
   device_class: power
   name: "Solis energy today"

Dear, o u get results?
as i dont
and did you upgrade device?
invalid config for []: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: unexpected char ‘“’ at 32) for dictionary value @ data[‘value_template’]. Got ‘‘{{ value | regex_findall_index(“var webdata_now_p = “(\d+)””)}}’’. (See ?, line ?)

Yes, it works:

Mine PV was instaled October 2020, so I didn’t upgrade any firmware.

I suppose it could be the matter of your enviroment.
What kind of instalatian have you?
Mine is HA OS on t630 terminal.
I have such parameters:

version core-2021.3.2
installation_type Home Assistant OS
dev false
hassio true
docker true
virtualenv false
python_version 3.8.7
os_name Linux
os_version 5.4.99
arch x86_64
timezone Europe/Warsaw

What has happen if you on terminal console put such commend:
curl ‘http://admin:[email protected]/status.html’ | grep ‘var webdata_now’
Of course replace xxxxx with password :wink:

Have you any data?


Hi all, thought this might be of interest:
Solis Inverter Modbus integration - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

I have managed to make a direct modbus connection and can get all the normal stats. Just having issues with reading and writing to the read/write registries so I can control it for community energy projects.

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What can be done in order to get all data
Like current power, energy today, energy total, pv1, pv2 etc

one more thing to know.
does data shows after sunset? if not how to make it show last reading after sunset?

@kirpat You can duplicate the sensor, and get other fields, this is what I use:

  - platform: rest
    authentication: basic
    username: admin
    password: XXXX
    unit_of_measurement: 'W'
    value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("var webdata_now_p = \"(\d+)\"")}}'
    device_class: power
    name : Solis
  - platform: rest
    authentication: basic
    username: admin
    password: XXXX
    unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
    value_template: '{{ value | regex_findall_index("var webdata_today_e = \"(.+)\"")}}'
    device_class: power
    name : Panels today
    scan_interval: 300

At night the inverter has no power and does not respond. You can take a look here, user @shawly has created a proxy that can provide default responses when the target rest server is offline:

So i’ve entered the following

and the log is not showing data in the logbook

My Firmware Current version:H4.01.51Y4.0.02W1.0.57(GL17-07-261-D)
and the Inverter model is: 36

Does anyone have any ideas please?
I’m currently relying on the old Ginlong site and a scrape.

You sholud scrape the page status.html

sorry I don’t understand do you mean just change platform: rest to platform: Scrape and leave the rest?

You have such lines
But you should have this

sorry I have tried this with the same result.

first try this,
look if data is grabbed from your device

sorry being dense here how do I “terminal console” in

You shoud have addon:
“Terminal & SSH”

i have purplerubik inverter and wifi stick.
if any body got software update for it.
installed version MW_08_A501_1.17
and at bottom of page webversion 1.0.19


Also if I manually take the login and ip path < http://admin:[email protected]/status.htm>into a browser I get:-

To mak sure, did you replace my IP adres with yours?
As I can see it shold be
And of course admin is your username and xxxxx your password.
But now I see it could be cause of bad quotation of punctuation
curl 'http://admin:[email protected]/status.html' | grep 'var webdata_now'
I didn’t notice that the editor replace this marks… :frowning:

And yes, in my browser I see only empty lines too


Hey guys looking at a Solis 5G inverter with ethernet dongle and wondering if that works ok with Home Assistant, what has been people’s experience?

@sd_dracula hi there, I am using the Solis 5G but working on connecting to it using Modbus rather then HTTP/TCP. I can read all the normal stats but have not quite cracked being able to change settings with HA yet.