Solar water heating collectors

Please, would it be possible to add collectors for water heating to the energy card? Integration would also need to be done, where the input values ​​would be the flow and temperatures at the inlet and outlet, and the result would be energy in Kw/h

Does your solar water heater system have an API?

I am interested in just such an implementation. For my case I use a Viessmann hot water solar system. I can get the solar energy yield directly from the heating control via the ViCare API.
I have already integrated this into the energy dashboard today. However, the yield is of course added to the electrical consumption, which is of course not correct.

I am interested too. My system is a buderus sm10 and I am reading the values via ems-esp. Intigration was pretty easy, but it is not a electrical consumption but for warm water.

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I’m interested too. Just started with the first steps trying to add data from my SR1168 solar water controller to Home Assistant.

+1 from my side. I get this information via ebusd from my AIO gas heating system. Thus, it saves gas in my case. It would be interesting to monitor the yield and schedule my hot water production accordingly based on the long term statistics.