Solaredge Cloud Integration - Has it broke in 2021.10.1

Hi All,

Is anyone else having an issue with their Solaredge from 2021.10.1?

What has started to happen, is the entities become unavailable for all data relating to power produced. Interestingly, the data for the Inverter itself (such as firmware, panel config, etc) is not affected.

This is also happening in 2021.10.2.

In the logs, the following error is shown: Error requesting <homeassistant.components.solaredge.coordinator.SolarEdgeOverviewDataService object at 0x7fd2b606bc10> data: 500 Server Error: for url: (obviously, I have removed my API key and SITEID).

If I go to the Integration and RELOAD it, the values pop up until it goes and checks next time.

I have tested the interface in the browser when HA cant get values, and it works fine. The Solaredge monitoring site has all the data available.

This seems similar to reported issues in I think version 103 (about 1.5 years ago).

Thanks for any response.

I’m also not receiving any data. I was still on 2021.9.7 when this happened, so its more likely that it has to do something with the integration.
Or maybe the solaredge api but like you mentioned, when I use the same link you provided with my API-key and SiteID I do get values from the API.
I can’t seem to find any errors in the log while loglevel is set to info. Is there a seperate log?

Latest version of Home Assistant (2021.10.0) now gives this error on and off: Retrying setup: 429 Client Error: for url:

Now and again it HA works and I get data. Works fine in a browser.

Ive switched to Local Monitoring using Modbus of the Inverter with a HACS plugin to get my relevant data. I still use this integration to get sundry data, but I do see errors on my UI stating Unknown data (and checking the log, the only error as listed before is the 500 Server error).

I managed to fix my issue of not getting any data by removing the integration, rebooting and adding the integration again.