SolarEdge - Energy Module

@wmaker Thanks for the update and the additional explanation. This helps me.

Hopefully this is not a silly or ignorant question from a newbie, why this is not included with Solar Edge integration?

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I see in the new update the SolarEdge is still not supported out of the box. Is that correct? best way forward is still creating Template Sensors?

Taking a look at the Home Assistant github master branch for the SolarEdge component, it appears to be the case that the lifetime energy is the only sensor that has been updated…so yes, template sensors is the way to go.

Ok. Have enabled this now (have to wait for a time to see if it works). I have also a battery. I see in the configuration that you need in and out battery entities. As far as I know there is only one entity for the battery in SolarEdge (Power) that show the usage of the power. Any idea how we could use this?

Does anyone use a SolarEdge with a Batterie and get the battery statistic to work?
I am currently struggling with that, because I only get the sensor.solaredge_storage_power, so the current level of the battery.
The energy battery statistics (as far as I know) needs a IN and an OUT sensor.
Does anyone know a way to solve this?

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I have switched to using the Modbus integration because that offers some more battery statistics. Using those values and creating some template sensors made it possible to get all the right readings for the Energy Dashboard.
This thread shows how the initial setup was done:

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Not sure if you found a solution for this but I was having the same issue. I read somewhere that the timezone for last_reset needs for be set to UTC. I updated my last_reset code to

last_reset: '{{ now(timezone.utc).replace(hour=0).replace(minute=10).replace(second=0).replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() }}'

and now it’s working for me :slight_smile:

Hi all,

Thanks for the informatino how to integrate imported / exported informatino from solarEdge into the Energy-Dashboard… :slight_smile:

Maybe, you also have an answer to my further question…

  • It is possible to call a complete history of the production data from the SolarEdge Monitoring via API.
    I already have all the Information for the time since the installation was going online available…

Now, I would like to feed HomeAssistant with this history, too…
Do you know, where the system does store this information?

[probably within my influxdb, but how could I insert / feed the data into the db?]

Thanks Remko - made it much easier

@James_Hendry : I redid the entire setup and gotten a lot further actually. For the full instructions, visit this thread:

The update to core-2021.11.1 renamed many sensors. Look at the release notes:

=> Breaking changes
=> Solaredge

Mostly they changed power to energy for the energy sensors. That is correct, but breaks some things. I used the new names in Lovellace now.

I had to change the excellent code from @Remko to this:

    source: sensor.solaredge_imported_energy
    cycle: yearly 
    source: sensor.solaredge_exported_energy
    cycle: yearly

This is not a full solution; it would be complete, if I renamed the names of the utility meters also to imported_energy_yearly and exported_energy_yearly but I do not know, how to do that, without breaking the long-term statistsics for the energy dashboard.

New users, that start with a fresh energy dashboard should go directly to energy instead of power for the sensors that measure the energy (kWh) and not the power (kW).

The new Version does already provide the possibility to integrate the SolarEdge meter data into the EnergyDashboard.
So there’s no requirement for creating a Utility Meter anymore :slight_smile:

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Hi @CChris

I did the upgrade to version 2021.11 but sensors are not yet available in the energy module.

Is there any tips to make it working natively ?

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Same problem over here, I also can’t see the new entities.

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Energy Dashboard Configuration

As of Home Assistant 2021.11 the SolarEdge intergration can natively populate the Energy Dashboard without additional setup. (no need for Utility Meter or other workarounds)

When you upgrade to 2021.11 some sensors may be set as unavailable and you may need to enable them to function correctly. Please refer to the Breaking Changes for 2021.11.

My Energy Configuration
To monitor your solar system you can utilise sensor.solaredge_lifetime_energy for solar production:

If you have a consumption meter in your SolarEdge system you can utilise sensor.solaredge_imported_energy and sensor.solaredge_exported_energy for energy to and from the grid:

Screenshot 2021-11-02 21 25 31

The results should appear in two hours in My Energy Dashboard.

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Yes, I think the reason why they are not available is because they might be disabled in the backend of the integrations entity list.
To enable them, you need to go to your integrations, and click on “entities” on the SolarEdge integration.

Then, you should get the list with all sensors - and can check, if they are disabled or not.

If yes, you can enable them from the page.

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Yeah, the upgrade to 2021.11 disables most of the sensors by default.

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Indeed the sensors were disabled it’s no working

Strange behaviour I’ve a delta between solar edge App and Home assistant. I guess something is wrongly configured in my settings??

Thank you

Odd, my SolarEdge and HomeAssistant numbers match exactly.

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