Solaredge + HA Glow Integration

Hi Everyone, I have the following scenario and I would like some assistance as something seems off.
I am using SolarEdge integration and Home Assistant Glow to monitor production and energy consumption on my house. My chart looks as below:

What looks off is that although no one is home in the morning, it seems that consumption almost matches solar production. Please note that my SolarEdge doesn’t have any other info, only Production Energy and the rest are unknown.

Any suggestions would be welcome!

Dashboard configuration looks as below:

I’m not sure if this is valid for your installation but here are my thoughts:

  1. The data from your solar edge presents the total production, both self consumed and delivered to grid.
  2. Your meter probably has two flashing LEDs. One for production and one for consumption
    → you need to put these three measurements in the energy dashboard to get correct values.

I’m currently waiting for my grid company to update their meters to one with A customer interface so I don’t need to build a glow for two LEDs.


My meter looks like this and I have Glow connected where the red circle is.

I googled your meter and didn’t find a manual in English…
Since you only have one led I assume that the flashes gives you “consumed from grid”.