SolarEdge intergration issue


I want to add my SolarEdge to HA. After entering all requested information (name installation / site ID / API-Key) I receive the following:
‘Kon geen verbinding maken met de SolarEdge API’, meaning: ‘could not connect to the SolarEdge API’

Anyone recognize this? Please advise.

Kind Regards,

Hi Jan, do you use the Toshiba AC plugin in HA?
If that’s the case you can not set up SolarEdge. Try to use SolarEdge modbus (local) instead.

Hi Jan, already fixed this issue?
I have the same issue (message) with the Solar Edge 3000HD wave converter.
In february I installed the last version of HomeAssistant and in the last week download SolarEdge (Hacs). ID and Api comes from the provider…I have already solved this challenge.