Solaredge SE3300 integration


I’m an newbee for HA and after installation I try to bring in all my devices.
I have a solar system including two solar inverters Solaredge SE3300 from 2011.

The standard integration of Solaredge doesn’t work for the integration as I cannot receive and API key in my solaredge portal. The download option is missing there.
I presume becasue my inverters are to old.
They are connected through ethernet so I tried to use an intergrator from HACS ( SOLAREDGE MODBUS TCP).
I have installed and restarted HA and added the firts of the inverters through his IP adress.
I can see it as 1 device and 209 entities. But all entities are status unknown.

Did I make a mistake / is something missing or can my SE3300 inverters not be integrated through TCP/modbus?

Many thanks

Usually, it depends on the configuration of your inverter.
It needs to have modbus communication enabled - and the port has to be correct.

If you have two inverters, it could be, that both are already communicating to each other via Modbus - or, it could be, that you have already something else connected to your inverter over Modbus.

SolarEdge does only allow one device being connected to the Modbus Interface.

I would try to play around with the port - it could be 502 or 1502 for example…
If this doesn’t work, you might get in contact with the Support from SolarEdge, they might help you with the correct configuration to enable Modbus

ok, thanks.
That makes sense to me as I can access only one of both inverters. The other one cannot be integrated through it’s IP address - although I can ping it.
Adding both as one unit is finally that what I want :slight_smile:
I’ll try to find out another port, only used default.

Google says in solaredge inverters Modbus over TCPIP per default is not activiated and you have to activate.
I’ve checked documentation for my inverter. Havn’t seen that I can configure modbus over TCPIP:

For config I would have to open the housing to access 4 buttons above the display :frowning:
I also cannot access via browser or app to check this.
I need to call solaredge support to find out but don’t believe it is possible in an easy matter.

If you have multiple inverters chained with modbus you should consider my SolarEdge integration:

As an FYI, I have an SE-7600 from around 2016, and although it comes with Modbus TCP, yes in my case you have to open up the panel and go through the menu to activate this function. However even worse, is that if its ModbusTCP ever looses connectivity, it disables itself and you have to go back to the panel to reactivate it. There is suppose to be a firmware upgrade to fix this, but I haven’t pursued it.

My solaredge SE3300 doesn’t have modbus option in menu. Would probably need an firmware upgrade.
But as this is connected to a yield meter I used this instead.
This means I have integrated a sensor for reading the meter reading - so I can now read the values from there.