SolarEdge Templates

So just started using HA. Very impressed and I have linked up to my solar edge system and can see the relevant numbers changing as the sun comes out and electricity use goes up etc.

However when I try to add them to the energy page it all goes wrong. Its now dark outside and HA still thinks i’m generating solar energy, exporting some to the grid and also importing some back!

I had it set as

grid consumption: solaredge imported energy
Return to grid: solar edge exported energy
Solar production: solaredge Produced Energy

Not sure why it would be calculating this wrong.

Welcome to the grind!
Do you use the portal (core) integration or modbus?
Does the portal show correct values?
Can you post screenshots of your SolarEdge device and your energy dashboard?

the portal version (as in it logs into the web API not the inverter directly as my inverter doesn’t support that).

The portal shows the correct values and if i go to The solaredge intergration i can see the sensors showing the correct readings. (its snowy at the moment, but solar production has been reporting before)

I have done some thinking and the issue is that its showing totals on the energy card. Ideally I’d like them to show current usage. But more importantly the card graphic will show power coming from the solar panels even when its dark if they have generated anything throughout the day.

So i think on reflection most of it is correct, just the way the card is being displayed is confusing.

Yes it is as you got it. Energy is power per time, so if you select the date on the energy dashboard, you get the energy sum of the day.
When you want your own custom dashboard with current power draw, I suggest these cards:
-Energy cards - Home Assistant (these are from the dashboard)
-GitHub - flixlix/energy-flow-card-plus: An upgraded Energy Distribution Card for Home Assistant, with added features like Individual Devices and refined UI enhancements, while maintaining the Energy Dashboard's original design.
-GitHub - flixlix/power-flow-card-plus: A power distribution card inspired by the official Energy Distribution card for Home Assistant
-GitHub - MindFreeze/ha-sankey-chart: A Home Assistant lovelace card to display a sankey chart. For example for power consumption

Perfect, just what I was after. thank you for taking the time to reply!