⚡ Solarman Stick Logger by David Rapan

Hi there, as I had many issues running the integration from Stephan I decided to create my own overhaul which is somehow based on the original one.

Perhaps there will be those here who will also find my polished version useful.

My version is much more stable, has more frequent updates (but in different intervals for different sensors, when feature enabled), supports configuration of the device and uses asynchronous pysolarmanv5 (and dynamically crates request sets according sensor descriptions in definition profile) as well utilizes fetching through DataUpdateCoordinator many more fixes and improvements and also up to date features of :house: HA. Read more info about changes on the repo.

Please read carefully before you decide to try it. :wink:

As there are many changes i decided to publish them as separated project.

:zap: Solarman Stick Logger

🠶 Signpost

Have fun!

Did you consider collaborating with Stephan?

Hi, thank you for your question.

I have, of course, at least from the start but when I at the end ended up writing again from ground up whole inner logic as well the way how it is integrated with HA I decided not to go through that route (at least for now) for the following reasons:

  • I can imagine that Stephan would really be happy from a pull request which changes the whole thing
  • Potential overhead of integrating the changes (the proper way)
  • I’m really not a fun person to work with (trust me bro)

But that does not mean it can’t happen in the future. :wink:

I’m surely open for it. I even indirectly did let him know in his repo so I’m sure if he would be interested he would say so. :wink:

Thanks again and as always have fun! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the honesty! :joy:

Always! :smiley:

I can highly recommend HA-Solarman by David Rapan!

Updated Solarman 1.4.3 from Stephen Joubert with this one and there are more useful sensors and it is som much faster updating the values.

Great work and brilliant support!
Many thanks!

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