I recently started using the excellent solarman-mqtt to read out my solarmanpv inverter and get it into MQTT.
That part is working, I can see the values in mqtt explorer.
What I can’t get to work is the template sensors to show the actual values in HA. They all stay on “unknown” for some reason.
This is what I’m using to parse them:
- name: "solarmanpv_inverter"
unique_id: "solarmanpv_inverter"
state_topic: "solarmanpv/inverter/deviceState"
json_attributes_topic: "solarmanpv/inverter/attributes"
- name: "solarmanpv_logger"
unique_id: "solarmanpv_logger"
state_topic: "solarmanpv/logger/deviceState"
json_attributes_topic: "solarmanpv/logger/attributes"
this is in a file under configuration/mqtt, which is being pulled in through
mqtt: !include_dir_merge_list configuration/mqtt/
in configuration.yaml.
The entries are being created in HA, but they’re all unknown. I don’t get it.