Solax inverter temperature - modbus integration

After installing this, and enjoying all the insight the solaxcloud was not giving me, i stumpled upon the two inverter temperature readings.
Looking at the history of these sensor they daily peak at more than 60 degrees celcius, without the fans ever spinning into action (i have the x3 hybrid g4 15kw which along with the 12kw version is fitted with two active colling fans at the bottom rear of the inverter.
Is anybody else seeing similar values or are they bogus since the fans are not running (which i would assume they would do at this tempereture), or are the fans in my unit just defective?
I am seeing peak temperature values when my battery is done charging and the inverter starts exporting to grid on sunny days.

I Have the Solax X3 Hybrid 12Kw
I have similar operational temperatures. After days trying to get an answer from Solax it seems that they say this is normal.!!
The unit has an internal fan (not visible from the outside) that comes on at about 45deg. This can usually be heard as a high pitched whine. The Radiator fans visible from the underside do not come on until about 75deg C.
The internal fan routinely operates with recording temperatures up to about 55degC
I have never seen the temperatures high enough to trigger the radiator fans.
I have messaged Solax to say it is crazy that the radiator fans do not come on at a lower temperature (no response). I can only assume this is in an effort to record lower operating noise.!!
I also asked if it was possible to allow HA users to set their own fan operating temperatures but again no response.
I can’t see any temperature set points for the fans in the settings currently viewed in the Solax Modbus.
I have resorted to adding additional fans controlled via HA. This keeps operating temperatures below 50deg C
Hope this helps