Solax X3 hybride G4 firmware upgrade

hi all, did an request by email to upgrade my FW, no response so i found a GitHub solution from Wills06

but no luck, “update file not found”
did exactly as discribed…
and all sorts of possible options…

  • different usb sticks
  • small or capital letters
  • filles on the root AND in the folders…
  • after a power-cycle

very very annoying …

somebody did manage to complete a FW upgrade?

Hi yvosound,
Did you really contact Solax in your home country? My installation is only 3 months old, so I don’t have any experiance with that jet. But I was struggling with starting up to understand things and they helped me very good and quickly by mail. I’m just not so far that I have modbus already but the equipment just arrived.