I want to use my Wemos D1 Mini to control a water valve by switching it with a relay. As the pump needs about 1000W of power I wanted to use the SSR-40DA I already had at home.
This is the code I use to define the relay:
Code is validated and I can install it to my D1 mini, but afterwards it does not start when the relay is connected.
If I disconnect the relay the D1mini is starting and showing as “online” on ESPHome.
Cannot find out what’s the problem here, the SSR-40DA can be switched with 3-32VDA, and the D1mini can send 3,3V on D4.
thanks for your reply, but does not change anything. Both PINs work when another relay is connected, but D1mini won’t boot when I use the SSR-40DA.
Booting first and connecting SSR-40DA will work, very strange.
To be clear:
with this relay the Arduino can boot: