Solis Battery Integration

Hi Guys, very much new to this and had lots of assistance from my neighbour who has been so helpful. We are in the process of working through an integration in HA for a Solis Hybrid Inverter for an PV system. We are most of the way there but still working on the battery elements. Does anyone have a working integration to paste into YAML? We have created utilities for the energy dashboard but they don’t show in the drop down for the battery in/out section. Also trying to get control of the force charge/discharge eventually but have not started this yet. Any help would be massively appreciated. HA is running via a Pi 3b and the Solis inverter is connected via a Pi Zero if that changes anything at all.

we have working utilities which are recording both in and out totals from the battery which look like this:

state_class: total_increasing
source: sensor.battery_power_in_kwh
status: collecting
last_period: ‘0.48’
meter_period: daily
cron pattern: 0 0 * * *
last_reset: ‘2022-08-19T23:00:00.033087+00:00’
unit_of_measurement: kWh
device_class: energy
icon: mdi:counter
friendly_name: Battery Power In Utility

But they don’t appear in the dashboard as options to select for the battery fields so not sure what I am doing wrong. All my other utilities are set up the same and all of them work perfect.