Soliscloud integration

For Solis inverters with datalogger, data is uploaded to the Soliscloud. Would be nice to be able to add this data to Home-assistant.

Someone willing to pick this up as an integration or template?
(In the forum there are some discussions about interface scraping and using the RS485 port with an ESP device, for local and cloud independent connectivity nice; cloud-service could be more useful).

An API is available; see links below

How to get acces

API documentation

First off thanks for the heads up about the API! It’s been annoying me for ages that I could t get the data from my inverter.

A full integration is beyond my capabilities, but I have started poking into getting a single request working.

Due to the auth method, it’s quite finicky, but I think I have it working.
When there’s something wrong with the auth I get a specific error.

That said I’m continually getting time out responses and gave up after having raised a ticket with Solis

Have you had any luck getting data back from the API?

Had some tries to get a bootstrap call going using PostMan → no luck (lack of skills on my side, auth looked complicated to get it going) > hope to spend some time soon to do a bit more of a deep dive.

I found this integration on github that has been working well for me :slight_smile: it added the option to support the new API some time ago.

Thanks for sharing, will try it out.

Found a Python implementation as well; posting here for future reference GitHub - hultenvp/soliscloud_api: Python implementation for the SolisCloud API

Hi there, do you know if this is also showing the battery data?
And can it also be incorporated (both solar and battery) in the energy dashboard by using this?

It does show battery data (SOC, power in/out) but I don’t know about adding any of it to the energy dashboard as I haven’t done that.