Solution for notifications not arriving at companion app when not connected to server?

Yesterday I missed a notification even though the companion app was connected.
This has happened before as well but there seems to be no consistency, most of the times it works though.
This is on a tablet with the minimal app on WiFi and now running latest version since before yesterday.

  1. Is there a way to check if a mobile device is connected?
  2. Is there something I can check which might cause this?
  3. How to intercept this ‘not arriving notification’?

Thanks for any help!

You can add confirmation to the notification and try again if it failed.

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Hi Hellis81, thank you for this tip!
I wasn’t aware of this option and have added it now.

I have re-read the docs, did some searches here on the forum but it’s not clear to me were I can find a result if this notification has arrived or not. :blush:

I had already seen that part of the companion docs but still I cannot make anything about it because it’s not clear to me where to look for that result.
By sending a notification with the mobile device on and offline, I didn’t find an event in the logs or the logbook.

This will only work on Android devices, you need to go to the Developer Tools and listen to the event " mobile_app_notification_received" after sending the notification.

You can receive an event when a notification is received on the device. In order to receive this event you will need to set confirmation: true as a parameter in your notification service call.All notification data will be present in the event data for the event typemobile_app_notification_received.

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Hi randomsnack, I did already set that ‘confirmation: true’ option and now with your explanation I have found it! :+1:
Is it possible to use this as a check from the script or automation to get feedback without having to dig it up yourself?

It’s an event, events are triggers.
So yes you can automate it

Guys, I don’t get it…

It’s possible to receive an event if you set that ‘confirmation: true’ parameter: that part I understand.
I had never used an event as a trigger so didn’t know this was possible but now that Hellis81 pointed this out, I still cannot figure out how to get some kind of automatic solving/notification/… when the companion app is not connected and therefor a notification doesn’t arrive.

Here is a automation example to turn on the light when notification is received

alias: ZZZZZZZZ event trigger test
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_received
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: light.desk_light
mode: single

And what if the notification is not received, is there a way to make that noticed?

It only return true if notification is received, with the automation if the light doesn’t turn on, the message was not received.

Okay, that’s obvious.

If the companion app is not connected you will not know if a notification was not sent.

Here the boolean will stay off if it has not been received.

description: ""
mode: single
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.notification
  - service: notify.mobile_app
      message: Test
  - wait_for_trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: mobile_app_notification_received
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 20
      milliseconds: 0
    continue_on_timeout: false
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_boolean.notification
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Hi @Hellis81, I’m diving into this again…

So if the notification has not been received, the automation/script halts and the boolean is not turned on.
I don’t get it how to use this so can you please elaborate a little?

If HA doesn’t get the received event, you can retry the notification, implement exponential back off, or notify a different device that notifications are failing. What ever you want to do if the notification fails.

As Larrikin says the boolean is still off for: 30 seconds then the notification has not arrived at the phone.
There probably needs to be a small delay between sending the notification and the wait for trigger.

Ok, I’m with you guys so far.

My goal was to use another device (media player) if the companion app is not receiving the notification.
What puzzles me: if the automation/script halts, how to continue? (sorry, I don’t see it)

Then you trigger on boolean being off for 30 seconds

I almost don’t dare to respond: and then? :blush:

I have tested that and saw that the boolean switches:

  • off → on when notification received
  • only off when notification not received

So far I get it but that automation halts when not received so whatever comes next is not executed, right? :thinking: