[Solved] 6 PIN header schema for Chinese no name wifi bulbs with ESP8285

Hi guys. There are these bulbs:

With ESP8285 chipset:

They have “top” board LED part, connected with “bottom” board power stuff part, via 6 PIN header:

There are also RX, TX, +3.3V, GND marked on bottom board:

But something is telling me that 6 PIN header can be used for flashing Tasmota or ESPurna with this little dude (CH340G), in order that soldering being completely avoided.:

Does anybody know to tell me which PIN is which, for both bulb header and USB to serial programmer header (or point me to some datasheets, I hadn’t success to find them).

For easy referencing, I marked them with numbers if someone knows the answer out of box.

Many thanks in advance.

Ignore that “something”.

That pin header is not for programming. It clearly carries the R, G, B, CW, WW and V+ lines for driving the LEDs.

You will have to solder to the pads marked TX, RX, GND and 3.3V

Thanks a lot @tom_l , will proceed with soldering. Marking this as “Solved”, cause soldering to already marked PINs cannot be wrong way.