Solved: Amcrest AD410 won't connect to WiFi

I have an Amcrest AD410. I needed to do a factory reset on it and now it won’t connect to the WiFi. It keeps saying that either the password is wrong or the strength is too low. I know the password is right and I’m installing it about 6ft from the Unifi AP.

I’ve tried another factory reset, restarted the network and the 'phone, tried a different network (the AP has several), re-installed the app, but nothing seems to work.

Has anybody experienced anything like this?

I’ve not had this issue and what you are describing is indeed odd. Amcrest strongly recommends that you delete the device from your SmartHome account (different ID/PW than what the AD410 uses) before resetting it.

After a factory reset, the ID/PW is “admin” for both. Is that what you used?

If your AD410 is less than a year old, submit a support ticket to Amcrest and have them go through the steps with you again. If they determine it’s useless, then they should send you a replacement.

Thanks, Gary

I did delete the device from the app. Not sure about the password though, I was prompted to enter a new one and couldn’t move on until I did. Maybe an updated version of the app?

I have logged it with Amcrest. I’m awaiting their response.


Any update from Amcrest? I am experiencing the same thing. I had two AD410, setup was very easy. Recently, one had night vision issue so I bought another one. Exactly same model, but I could not set it up to connect to my WiFi.

Strong signal everywhere in my house. Correct password. Doorbell keeps spinning green. I was able to give new password and put recovery email in. Until the WiFi step, it either says password wrong or just keeps spinning.

The broken unit is still usable, but I deleted from my account and factory reset. Now, I could not even add this unit back in.

Sadly, I’ve made no progress so far. I’m in contact with Amcrest support about it.

I’ll report back when either it is resolved or I give up and return the unit.


Also called Amcrest today. No help at all.

I found solution. See link below

Thanks, I’ll take a look.

OK, I followed the process referred to in the Reddit post and I now have the bell connected and working.
For reference, at the moment there appears to be a bug in the Amcrest iOS app (this has been acknowledged by Amcrest support in V 3.12.6), so I used an Android device.

  • I initially used the Dahua* DMSS app to find the bell and connect it to my WiFi.
  • I then added it directly using the Amcrest app. As soon as I scanned the QRCode, it added it to my Amcrest a/c

I had the problem where the Amcrest Smart Home iPhone app would not go past connecting to the AD410 hotspot. The iPhone was connected to the ASH network, but the Amcrest Smart Home iPhone app would not proceed beyond that step and tell me to retry.

The problem was I had disabled local network access to the app at some point over the years.

To confirm the Amcrest app is configured to access your local network on an iPhone go to settings then scroll down to the Amcrest Smart Home app. Select the Amcrest Smart Home app and confirm it has “Local Network” selected.