[SOLVED] Broadlink RM Pro new commands?

Hello to the forum,

I’ve been running the Node-RED addon in Home Assistant for a while now and it controls my Broadlink RM Pro, so far this has worked without problems. It has not worked for about 3 weeks. When I address the RM Pro directly through Home Assistant it works, but there is an error with the Node-RED addon. Can someone give me a tip or help. The other “services” that I use to call Node-RED in Home Assistant work, so I can say that the “Server” is configured correctly. Attached are a few screenshots.

I suspect that here at “Service” the command is no longer correct. (The IP address is correct !!)
Are these inputs correct?

I thank you in advance for answers or help…:slightly_smiling_face:

The service is renamed to broadlink.send, see here https://www.home-assistant.io/components/broadlink/

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Mmm, who can read is clearly in the advantage !!!

I have already looked at the page but probably overlooked this again and again …

Have adapted the inputs …

the “Data” command looks like this in my case …

and it works…:checkered_flag::checkered_flag:

Thank you very much tjntomas for the quick answer and assistance :+1::+1::+1: And sorry for the stupid question …


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This seems to have changed and lot and I cant find out how we are doing it now, what is the JSON in the call service node look like these days?