Hi everyone,
very noobie here on the subject, please be forgiving
I’m trying to implement some scripts to be called from an entity-button.
But I can’t find them after I created them directly in the configurator.yaml (I tried the include first, same result)
Here you can see my scripts, first one is the real one, second is obviously a dummy
alias: "Pulisci lo studio"
- service: vacuum.send_command
entity_id: vacuum.roboerto
command: app_zoned_clean
params: [[23512, 24737, 28312, 27887,1]]
alias: This is the new
- data:
message: test
service: notify.notify
I restarted HA (0.99), got no error. Then I created the entity-button and even if I don’t really get what I need to entry in “entity” (I guess the script it self?), I can’t find the scripts created in the proposed list both for entity and service.
I also tried to force them in with the text editor (script.vacuum_studio), but lovelace said “not available”. in the entity button card
alias is not indented in your example.
And you miss further indents after that.
Yaml is super critical with respect to indents
Here is an example of two small scripts I have.
They are in a file that gets included from configuration.yaml
Otherwise the entire thing needs to go below a script: and all indented
Also, there’s a RELOAD SCRIPTS option in /config/server_control (Configuration -> Server Control) - which allows you to not have to reboot the entire system to reload Automations, Scripts, Groups or Scenes, FYI.