[SOLVED] Calling a created but not available script, what am I missing?

Hi everyone,
very noobie here on the subject, please be forgiving

I’m trying to implement some scripts to be called from an entity-button.
But I can’t find them after I created them directly in the configurator.yaml (I tried the include first, same result)

Here you can see my scripts, first one is the real one, second is obviously a dummy

  alias: "Pulisci lo studio"
  - service: vacuum.send_command
      entity_id: vacuum.roboerto
      command: app_zoned_clean
      params: [[23512, 24737, 28312, 27887,1]]
  alias: This is the new
  - data:
    message: test
  service: notify.notify

I restarted HA (0.99), got no error. Then I created the entity-button and even if I don’t really get what I need to entry in “entity” (I guess the script it self?), I can’t find the scripts created in the proposed list both for entity and service.
I also tried to force them in with the text editor (script.vacuum_studio), but lovelace said “not available”. in the entity button card

Any help?

Your indentation is wrong. Go back and look at the examples at https://www.home-assistant.io/components/script/

alias is not indented in your example.
And you miss further indents after that.
Yaml is super critical with respect to indents

Here is an example of two small scripts I have.
They are in a file that gets included from configuration.yaml
Otherwise the entire thing needs to go below a script: and all indented

    - service: light.turn_on
          - light.kitchen_table
          - light.microwave
          - light.sink_left
          - light.sink_right
        brightness_pct: 80
    - service: light.turn_off
        - light.vitrine

    - service: light.turn_on
          - light.makeup
          - light.computer
        brightness: 255

Also, there’s a RELOAD SCRIPTS option in /config/server_control (Configuration -> Server Control) - which allows you to not have to reboot the entire system to reload Automations, Scripts, Groups or Scenes, FYI.

thanks @KennethLavrsen now it works! You were right, it was the indentation

And thanks @Markus99, very usefull! I was really waisting my time restarting HA for each little change in my configuration