SOLVED - Cannot update to 2021.7.2 or 2021.7.3 from 2021.6.6


I can not upgrade my HA Core from 2021.6.6 to 2021.7.2 or 2021.7.3.

I tried with supervisor:
failed to register layer: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/c0fb447f68a8767e9cc8764c08ab23ede76d65dccb44e83e1209757733df0641/merged: too many levels of symbolic links

I tried it manually with this:
docker pull

And the error is:
failed to register layer: error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/c0fb447f68a8767e9cc8764c08ab23ede76d65dccb44e83e1209757733df0641/merged: too many levels of symbolic links

Can anyone help me?


I had to downgrade the core to 2021.6.5 and the next upgrade try to 2021.7.3 was successfully completed.

In the configuration on raspberry pi4 I have the same problem (access from duckdns returns the web error 400). I tried to roll back to version 2021.6.5 and then upgrade to version 2021.7.3 but internet access with duckdns still doesn’t work with 400 bad Request error.