Hello everyone
I am asking for support for a project of mine at home, I want to change the text on the LCD display when a button is pressed or the relay status changes.
I have already written part of the program and everything is ok but I can’t successfully integrate the text change on the display
I attach part of the script I use
Thanks for the help
- platform: gpio
name: “ON/OFF Caldaia”
id: ON_OFF
number: GPIO0
input: true
pullup: true
inverted: true
name: “ON/OFF Caldaia”
on_press:- switch.toggle: relay_caldaia
- platform: gpio
name: “Start Stop”
pin: GPIO2
id: relay_caldaia
- platform: lcd_pcf8574
dimensions: 16x2
address: 0x38
lambda: |-
it.strftime(0, 0,“%H:%M - %d.%m.%y”, id(my_time).now());
it.printf(0, 1,“%.1fC”, id(temperatura).state);
it.printf(6, 1,“%.1f%%”, id(umid).state);
update_interval: 10s