So if you’re using a separate customize.yaml file and including it like I am, it should look something like mine:
Take a look and compare it to yours. Also, take a look at my configuration.yaml in the repo and see how I have all of my includes towards the top of the config. Just a personal preference, but I think includes and enables should be loaded towards the beginning of the config.
As I said, you must put it just under time_zone: Europe/Paris with the same indent (it is a child of homeassistant, not a sibling).
As for the customize.yaml separate file, see as @rpitera said.
En français si tu préfères:
En gros customize est une option de ‘homeassistant’, du coup tu dois le mettre directement en dessous, avec une indentation de deux espaces (ça devient un ‘enfant’). Si tu le met n’importe ou et sans les espaces ça fait comme si c’était un composant différent (‘un frère’).
Du coup ça donne
# Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
name: Titi
# Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
latitude: 1.18370420000001
longitude: 2.721938899999941
# Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
elevation: 204
# metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial
unit_system: metric
# Pick yours from here:
time_zone: Europe/Paris
customize: !include customize.yaml
@rpitera thanks a lot for sharing your files, helped me a lot @lambtho thanks for explanation and sorry for missing hierarchy I was aware of spaces rules but was not aware it was also important spaces and line feeds !!
Started to customise my HA now more deeply
YAML is a bit of a stickler when it comes to formatting and until you get the flow of it, expect to make formatting mistakes often - we all did - and still do at times!
This thread discuss about a YAML editor you may find useful to avoid syntaxing errors…
Also, please mark my previous comment as “solution” in order for people to find it directly later on if the go on this thread.
Glad I helped enjoy your customization
@rpitera yep still have to be careful when editing but @lambtho sounds like a really nice idea I have installed Samba on my PI and configured it to get access easily at all HA config files so I can directly edit them from my desktop in graphical mode using Atom and syntax colors for YAML making it a lot easier to find mistakes and/or avoid them
Very good trick @lambtho