[Solved] Dark Sky some sensors won't display in groups

Hi all, I have the following configs for dark_sky, and noticed that some sensors will only display as device trackers when I would like them in the menu as a group.

All of the commented sensors show correctly, however the uncommented one will not.

groups file

    - sensor.temperature
      #- sensor.dark_sky_temperature
      #- sensor.dark_sky_cloud_coverage
      #- sensor.dark_sky_humidity
      #- sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
      #- sensor.dark_sky_daily_max_precip_intensity
      #- sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
    - sensor.dark_sky_temperature_max

customize file

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret forecast_key
    #    forecast:
    #  - 1
#    - summary
#    - precip_type
#      - precip_intensity
#      - precip_intensity_max
#      - temperature
#    - dew_point
#      - wind_speed
#    - wind_bearing
#      - cloud_cover
#      - humidity
      - temperature_max

What’s this ``` after the temperture_max? If that’s actually what your YAML is that’s probably the reason it won’t show up.

thanks, no, that was my attempt at formatting it for this post. :slight_smile:

Hmm not sure then, must be something not being shown here. This all looks like it should work fine.

What is sensor.temperature? It’s not apart of Dark Sky component.
Dark sky temperature max shows up as sensor.dark_sky_daily_high_temperature on my end, why is yours different? I’ve got a feeling that this is your problem.

Thanks, let me remove that it’s a sensor of my own DHT11

hah! That worked, thanks! I should have checked the actual sensor names in my DB…You rock.

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