[Solved] Deeplink to specific shopping list

I want to notify my phone upon entering a zone with the direct URL of a todo list. In 2023.12 the URLs have been extended but I cannot get it to work on mobile (Android in my case). I’ve set it to Dashboard mode with todo?entity_id=todo.shopping_list but the shortcut still opens the last used list.
Any Ideas?

its a frontend bug, it goes to whatever was last selected by the user and not what the anchor link is

frontend bug: Deep linked to ToDoo list always defaults to last opened To Do list and not the entity ID in the link · Issue #18947 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

Ah, Frontend. Didn’t think about that part of HA. Maybe I can close my GitHub issue for the core integration then? What do you think? ToDo list Direct URL not working · Issue #105159 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

keep it open let the team decide which is best? Feels like a frontend issue personally speaking but I am not sure about the specifics.

Alright. I added a comment to your issue to “link” both for easier discovery.

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I just made my shopping list it’s own dashboard and I link to that.

Just to complete this thread: It was indeed a frontend-related issue and has been resolved in PR 18954 Fix todo url by silamon · Pull Request #18954 · home-assistant/frontend (github.com)

Can you please show how you link to a specific list in an automation action? I’ve tried a heap of things but none are working, only taking me to the first list in my TODO.

example that doesn’t take me to the ‘supermarket-list’

service: notify.mobile_app_dave_s_s22
metadata: {}
  title: Shopping
  message: Shopping List
    clickAction: /todo/supermarket
    url: todo?entity_id=todo.supermarket # also tried many other things here
    ttl: 0
    priority: high

EDIT: got it sorted.

service: notify.mobile_app_dave_s_s22
metadata: {}
  title: Shopping List
  message: Supermarket
      - action: URI
        title: Show list
        uri: /todo?entity_id=todo.supermarket
    ttl: 0
    priority: high
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