SOLVED. Entities that are online shown as unavailable

I am using lots of Shelly devices and switchs. I sucessfully integrated them all into my Homeassistant dashboard. No problems. Now some of them appear as “Unavailable”. The Shelly cloud shows them as active and I can switch them without any problems (left image). So the devices are online but Homeassistant insitst that they are not availabe (right image). I am new to homeassistant and would really appreciate some pointers.

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Which integration did you use to add them?

What model Shelly device?

All shelly deices were recognized during Home Assistant’s setup. All Shelly IoT-Devices are running in the WLAN and all have their own IP-Adress. When I look in the integrations used by my various devices there is a Shelly tile. So I guess it is the Shelly Integration.

Currently the devices affected are:

3x Shelly Dimmer 2 (dimmer)
1x Shelly 2.5 (double switch)
1x Shelly 1 (single switch)

Not affected are

5x Shelly Dimmer 2
1x Shelly 2
1x Shelly Plug
2x Shelly 1


Reinstall and start from scratch. Works a treat. All online Shelly Devices appear as online in Home Assistant now too. :crossed_fingers:

Did you have any problem again?