SOLVED - ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found

(when posting this i get told there is some character that this editor does not like … tried to fix it, but not sure what the problem is, so sorry for strange formatting)

I ve tried to install HACS on my Pi4 with 0.106.2 core. But although an integration showed up under Integrations, an icon never appeared in the left menu bar, and no repositories were loaded (i basically had an empty integrations screen for HACS). So i decided to remove it again: removed HACS-section i manually added to configurations.yaml (while trying to get HACS to work), and removed the HACS-folder in custom_components.

But when i now reboot my Pi, i get ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found. in the logs. I think there might be some setup parts still lingering in parts i can not easily access? Any tips on what to clear or manually edit or… to get rid of this? Thanks in advance!

(the notifications in the left menu bar in HA core also has a card with “Invalid config - The following integrations and platforms could not be set up: hacs - Please check your config”)

check in your integrations page to make sure it’s not there. if it is then delete it.

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Thank you for your reply, but already checked: no HACS under Integrations anymore. Still HA reports trying to setup HACS, so maybe a part is left in some setup config file that HA tries to run at boot?

I had the same problem. After “reinstalling” hacs files in custom components you have to generate new github token and wait ~1 hour, after that enter it in hacs setup and everythink will be ok.

There are very specific instructions on how to remove hacs. Check them.

Tx for the replies. I reinstalled HACS. Still showing nothing in the HACS integration panel. After checking the logs, i noticed an error about conflicting. As soon as i removed the file from my Pi, the HACS icon showed up in the HA vertical menu on the left.

I’ve installed, uninstalled, and re-installed HACS on two HA instances and I’m still using the same original github token and it works fine.

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