[Solved] Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 with Philips Hue Sensor


I’m trying to add new automation but it does not work. I need help, don’t know why it does not work.

Idea: Close a roller shutter (controlled by an Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 module) if the temperature is above 25 ° C (controlled with Philips Hue Outdoor Sensor).

Sensor and roller shutter both work well and are recognized on Has.
I tried with all different “mode”.

Am i doing something wrong ?


alias: Fermer volet
description: Fermer volet baie panoramique
  - type: temperature
    platform: device
    device_id: cebf2cdd130a9cddd0472808b37fce9e
    entity_id: sensor.hue_outdoor_motion_sensor_1_temperature
    domain: sensor
    above: 25
condition: []
  - device_id: 918bb14675359b3cb04140f5cf5aa34d
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.volet_panoramique_current_value
    type: set_position
    position: 39
mode: single

Consider using numeric_state as trigger as shown here.

alias: Fermer volet
description: Fermer volet baie panoramique
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: 'sensor.hue_outdoor_motion_sensor_1_temperature'
    above: '25'
# This can be added as a safeguard in case your HA reboot when the temperature crosses your threshold.
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: 'sensor.hue_outdoor_motion_sensor_1_temperature'
    above: '25'
  - device_id: 918bb14675359b3cb04140f5cf5aa34d
    domain: cover
    entity_id: cover.volet_panoramique_current_value
    type: set_position
    position: 39
mode: single

Please remember that for numeric_state trigger to be triggered, it needs to be below your threshold and then go above your threshold.


Currently, the philips detector indicates 39.68 ° C

It should therefore be triggered as soon as the temperature changes (example to indicate 40 ° C)?

And, Has automaticaly replaced
above: '25'
to: above: 25

It will not be triggered if the temperature is already above your threshold point which is 25 degree.

It needs to be, for example, 24 degree and then go up to more than 25 degree.

numeric_state trigger-
Fires when the numeric value of an entity’s state (or attribute’s value if using the attribute property) crosses a given threshold.

I’m trying with 40°C.

Also, you can also use service call cover.set_cover_position for setting cover position.

  - service: cover.set_cover_position
      position: 39
      entity_id: cover.volet_panoramique_current_value

What are the differences with my code?
It’s the same thing, no ?

Does the above YAML code works? If it works, then no need to change it.

For the moment it is not triggered…
It’s not easy to test aumation based on temparature.

You can try changing the value from-

Developer Tools → States (Tab) → Choose your sensor entity → Modify the state → Set State

Oh god… It works
Thx you so much !
I still have a lot to learn about Has.