[SOLVED: for local access]A/C app named TFIAC, anyone ever heard of it?

With integration from gui, we resolve the problem of recharge the device when home assistant reboot and the slow response from climate when HA recharge the configuration, not responding on time. Inside HA we have a service for recharge integration, but working only for integration or autodiscovery from gui, thx

I found a repo really interesting for air conditioner , is compatibile with tcl, but only beep and info lcd not working, but is a base for integrate with esphome, if someone know how to fix for more compatibility, here the link

And from author, he write to see this other

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Here are the usage statistics, I think it is best that we pull tfiac…

I have a Morris AC, which is made by TCL. The newer one, is connected with the app Tuya, and it’s working perfectly with HA, with Alexa etc.
The older one, (2020) is ONLY working with the tfiac app. And no matter what I did, I m failing to connect it to another app, or find a way to control it via HA and Alexa or Google.
The final goal is to be able to control it via voice commands.
I have inserted the commands as the first comment suggests, but I have no luck yet! So I m desperate, because I ve spend so much time and effort, with no luck at all! Please, someone, tell me that you solved this problem!!
Thanks in advance!